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Energy, Technology, and the Environment

Paul Ih-Fei Liu
Paul Ih-Fei Liu
Doctor of Engineering,
Technical University of Munich
Former lecturer at
University of Southern California
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

Completely updated and expanded from the author's previous book, Introduction to Energy and the Environment, this new book includes current information on the environmental effects of combustion by-products, as well as technological breakthroughs and newly adopted environmental legislation, which have taken place since the first edition. Such an enormous amount of information on advanced technologies has been included in this book, that the title has been changed accordingly.

Along with NOx formation and reduction in the combustion of fossil fuel, which were addressed in the original publication, this second edition addresses the problems of acid rain, global warming, and coal ash treatment. Discussions of important legislation area included, especially Title III — Hazardous Air Pollutants, of the Federal Clean Air Act, 1990 Amendments, as well as legislation affecting health risk management.

Other topics include: reformulated gasoline; rubber tire resource recovery and petroleum refining processes; semiconductor manufacturing processes and emission control; and nuclear power plant safety. Numerical examples have also been added to several chapters. A new Appendix C has been added to summarize the developing technologies of bio-treatment used to control contaminants through biological processes.

Table of Contents

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