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Practical Application of Dependability Engineering
T. Van Hardeveld
T. Van Hardeveld
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D. Kiang
D. Kiang
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

Maintainability, supportability and maintenance support performance are dependability characteristics exhibited in system performance. Maintainability and supportability are essential measures to determine the efficiency and efficacy of maintenance, which is a process to preserve the system in good operating condition. Maintenance is part of the system support infrastructure to sustain dependability performance in system operation. This chapter addresses the maintainability and supportability measures and their relationships in maintenance engineering to reinforce achievement of successful operation in technological systems.

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Maintainability
8.3 Supportability
8.4 Maintenance Engineering
8.5 Maintainability Integrated with Reliability and Availability
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