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Practical Application of Dependability Engineering
T. Van Hardeveld
T. Van Hardeveld
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D. Kiang
D. Kiang
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

Information is intelligence that pertains to satisfying specific needs for learning and enlightenment. The specific dependability information needed depends on the relevancy of the information and the circumstances of use. Timing and availability of information are key factors of its usefulness, and sometimes they may impact decision outcomes due to inadequate information input or resulting from too much information, which can lead to unnecessary confusion. Dependability information is derived from data collected from various dependabilityrelated sources, especially on items used in the product or the system of interest. The classification of data plays an important role in managing a credible dependability database. Sound decision-making helps attain organizational goals and achieve dependability value.

6.1 Understanding Dependability Information
6.2 Framework for Dependability Information Management
6.3 Establishing a Dependability Information System
6.4 Lessons Learned
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