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Global Applications of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
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ASME Press
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eBook Chapter
1.2 Perspectives of the Pressure Equipment Directive with Respect to ASME BPVC
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Chaudouet, A, Cameron, SW, Osweiller, F, Hanmore, P, & Karcher, GG. "Perspectives of the Pressure Equipment Directive with Respect to ASME BPVC." Global Applications of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. Ed. Rao, KR. ASME Press, 2016.
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Pressure equipment presents inherent hazards due to the potential energy of its content, especially for gases. Consequently most industrialized countries have, for many decades, regulated these products. In European countries, each national authority developed regulations that were significantly different from each other: some were very detailed (e.g., in France), some contained only general requirements (e.g., in the UK), and others included very detailed conformity assessment procedures (e.g., in Germany).
2.2The European Context
2.3Development of the PED
2.4The PED
2.6Link of PED with Codes and Standards
2.7Points of Comparisons with the ASME Code
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