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Structural Shear Joints: Analyses, Properties and Design for Repeat Loading

George T. Hahn
George T. Hahn
Mechanical Engineering,
Vanderbilt University
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Kaushik A. Iyer
Kaushik A. Iyer
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
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Carol A. Rubin
Carol A. Rubin
Mechanical Engineering,
Vanderbilt University
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

This book describes the mechanical response of butt, lap and doubler joints. The findings apply to shear connections in civil, aerospace, and other mechanical structures subjected to repeated loading. The findings are intended for engineers and NDE practitioners concerned with the design of new, as well as inspection and maintenance of existing shear joints.

Fatigue strengths of the joints are derived using conventional, material S-N data and the joint stress concentration factor. Structural Shear Joints treats the different modes of load transmission: the bearing, clamped, and adhesive modes, joint geometry: fastener spacing and number of fastener rows, and fastener geometry: standard and countersunk heads and self-piercing and interference fasteners. It contains analyses that relate global features with the local conditions that govern contact fatigue damage such as the contact pressures, interface slips and the intensity and locations of stress concentrations.It is a unique reference for instructors and students in advanced design courses.

Table of Contents

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