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Hydraulics, Pipe Flow, Industrial HVAC & Utility Systems: Mister Mech Mentor, Vol. 1
James A. Wingate
James A. Wingate
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ASME Press
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The good name of Mr. George Antaki, P.E. was summoned in Chapter 1 when steam hammer was under discussion. As I closed out my planning for this book, I ran across a neat little package concerning pipe (and duct and equipment) insulation which was excerpted from Mr. Antaki's book of ASME Professional Development Series lectures. It consists of the following reprinted pages.

It may help clarify some of the qualitative confusion factors a consulting plant or A/E engineer may face when insulation material tradeoffs are made. As always, be sure to also obtain the specific quantitative conductivity versus density data from the material's responsible vendor or manufacturer.

Thermal Insulation
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