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Design of Hazardous Mechanical Structures, Systems and Components for Extreme Loads
John D. Stevenson
John D. Stevenson
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Ovidiu Coman
Ovidiu Coman
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ASME Press
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Acceptance or behavior criteria for mechanical components are typically given in terms of allowable stresses as a function of both specified minimum yield and ultimate strength (stress). These allowable stresses have been developed as a function of the experience with pressure vessel and piping failures over the past 100 years of service.

It is expected that over the next 100 years, allowable stress criteria will gradually give way to more direct measures of failure probability, as discussed in Chapter 2.

4.1 Introduction
4.2 ASME B&PVC Section III
4.2.1 Design by Analysis — Section NB-3200, NC-3200, WB-3200 and WC-3200
4.2.2 Design by Rule NX and WX-3100 and NX and WX-3300
4.2.3 Piping Design — Article NX-3600
Class 1 — Subsection NB-3600
Class 2 and 3 — Subsections NC-3600 andND-3600
4.2.4 Support Design
Acceptance Criteria
4.3 ASME B&PVC Section VIII
4.3.1 ASME B&PVC Section VIII Division 1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
Design of Shells for Internal Pressure
4.3.2 ASME B&PVC Section VIII Division 2 Alternate Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
4.4 ASME B31.3 Process Piping
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 Design Criteria
Straight Pipe Under Internal Pressure
4.5 ASME B31.1 Power Piping
4.6 References
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