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Fundamentals of Rotating Machinery Diagnostics
Donald E. Bently
Donald E. Bently
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Charles T. Hatch
Charles T. Hatch
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Bob Grissom
Bob Grissom
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ASME Press
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The concept of dynamic stiffness is an important result of the rotor model that was developed in the last chapter. Vibration was found to be the ratio of the applied dynamic force to the Dynamic Stiffness of the rotor system. Thus, a change in vibration is caused by either a change in the applied force or a change in the Dynamic Stiffness. By understanding how Dynamic Stiffness affects vibration, we can understand why rotor systems behave the way they do. This understanding will lay the foundation for balancing and the malfunction diagnosis of rotating machinery.

What Is Dynamic Stiffness?
Rotor Parameters and Dynamic Stiffness
Synchronous Rotor Behavior
Synchronous Behavior Below Resonance
Synchronous Behavior At The Balance Resonance
Synchronous Behavior Above Resonance
How Changes In Dynamic Stiffness Affect Vibration
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