The TowPlow is a novel type of snowplow that consists of a conventional snowplow vehicle and a steerable, plow-mounted trailer. The system is used to plow two typical traffic lanes simultaneously. In this paper, a nonlinear dynamic model of the TowPlow is developed for longitudinal, lateral, and yaw motions. The model considers nonlinearity through a modified Dugoff’s tire friction model, tire rotation dynamics, and quasi-static load transfer. The model is verified through steady-state and transient tests on an actual TowPlow system. A new snow resistance model is developed to allow simulation of the TowPlow in snow clearing operations. Then, active steering control of the trailer axle is derived with the goal of improving safety and efficiency of the TowPlow. The comparison of the simulation results between the controlled system and the uncontrolled system for cornering, slalom, up and down hill, and split friction coefficient braking maneuvers clearly demonstrates the efficacy of active steering control for the trailer axle of the TowPlow.
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August 2015
Nonlinear Vehicle Dynamics and Trailer Steering Control of the TowPlow, a Steerable Articulated Snowplowing Vehicle System
Jae Young Kang,
Jae Young Kang
Department of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering,
and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California
, Davis
,One Shields Avenue
,Davis, CA 95616
Search for other works by this author on:
George Burkett, Jr.,
George Burkett, Jr.
Department of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering,
and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California
, Davis
,One Shields Avenue
,Davis, CA 95616
Search for other works by this author on:
Duane Bennett,
Duane Bennett
Department of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering,
and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California
, Davis
,One Shields Avenue
,Davis, CA 95616
Search for other works by this author on:
Steven A. Velinsky
Steven A. Velinsky
Fellow ASME
Department of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering,
Department of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California
, Davis
,One Shields Avenue
,Davis, CA 95616
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
Jae Young Kang
Department of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering,
and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California
, Davis
,One Shields Avenue
,Davis, CA 95616
George Burkett, Jr.
Department of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering,
and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California
, Davis
,One Shields Avenue
,Davis, CA 95616
Duane Bennett
Department of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering,
and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California
, Davis
,One Shields Avenue
,Davis, CA 95616
Steven A. Velinsky
Fellow ASME
Department of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering,
Department of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California
, Davis
,One Shields Avenue
,Davis, CA 95616
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Dynamic Systems Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, MEASUREMENT, AND CONTROL. Manuscript received May 28, 2014; final manuscript received December 22, 2014; published online April 17, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Shankar Coimbatore Subramanian.
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Aug 2015, 137(8): 081005 (13 pages)
Published Online: August 1, 2015
Article history
May 28, 2014
Revision Received:
December 22, 2014
April 17, 2015
Kang, J. Y., Burkett, G., Jr., Bennett, D., and Velinsky, S. A. (August 1, 2015). "Nonlinear Vehicle Dynamics and Trailer Steering Control of the TowPlow, a Steerable Articulated Snowplowing Vehicle System." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. August 2015; 137(8): 081005.
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