This paper describes analytical and experimental studies about an entirely new system for measuring forces using a gyroscope(called Gyroscopic Weight Measuring Device, or simply “GWMD” throughout this paper) which provides precise direct digital output proportional to the single axis weight applied. In spite of the complexity of the servo-mechanism, the action of the GWMD is inherently linear, hysteresis, and drift free. Topics in this paper are summarized as follows: 1) The principal dynamical characteristics of the GWMD using a two-degree-of-freedom mathematical model for a gyroscope are analyzed theoretically. 2) The GWMD is designed with suitable parameters and constructed. Some systematic errors caused by various influences are examined. 3) Performance tests are promising for practical applications. The GWMD constructed in this study offers a repeatable accuracy up to 1/15,000 for weight in the range 0 to 150 N.
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June 1997
Technical Briefs
Dynamical Characteristics of Gyroscopic Weight Measuring Device
Shigeru Kurosu,
Shigeru Kurosu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oyama National College of Technology, 771 Nakakuki, Oyama-city, 323 Japan
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Motoyuki Adachi,
Motoyuki Adachi
Department of Research and Development, Yamato Scale Co., Ltd., 5-22 Chaemba-cho, Akashi-city, 673 Japan
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Kazuyuki Kamimura
Kazuyuki Kamimura
Building Systems Division, Yamatake-Honeywell Co., Ltd., 2-12-19 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150 Japan
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Shigeru Kurosu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oyama National College of Technology, 771 Nakakuki, Oyama-city, 323 Japan
Motoyuki Adachi
Department of Research and Development, Yamato Scale Co., Ltd., 5-22 Chaemba-cho, Akashi-city, 673 Japan
Kazuyuki Kamimura
Building Systems Division, Yamatake-Honeywell Co., Ltd., 2-12-19 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150 Japan
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Jun 1997, 119(2): 346-350 (5 pages)
Published Online: June 1, 1997
Article history
December 7, 1994
October 10, 1996
December 3, 2007
Kurosu, S., Adachi, M., and Kamimura, K. (June 1, 1997). "Dynamical Characteristics of Gyroscopic Weight Measuring Device." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. June 1997; 119(2): 346–350.
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