This paper addresses the development of an output feedback controller for the Penn State Electric Ventricular Assist Device (EVAD). The control law is designed to minimize the electric power consumption of the motor, while utilizing the measured pusher plate position as its only feedback signal. The control algorithm results in a suboptimal performance. The feedback gain function is calculated such that the expected value of the deviations between the suboptimal and full state feedback power consumption values is minimized. The system state initial conditions are treated as random variables with specified probability density functions. Numerical simulations indicate that the output feedback controller of the EVAD has a near optimum performance (the excessive electric power consumption is less than 1 percent), and a time shift manipulation of a single feedback gain function can drive the EVAD in various speeds with minimal energy losses.
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March 1989
Research Papers
A Novel Output Feedback Pusher Plate Controller for the Penn State Electric Ventricular Assist Device
U. Tsach,
U. Tsach
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Bioengineering Program, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
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D. B. Geselowitz,
D. B. Geselowitz
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Bioengineering Program, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
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A. Sinha,
A. Sinha
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Bioengineering Program, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
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H. K. Hsu
H. K. Hsu
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Bioengineering Program, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
Search for other works by this author on:
U. Tsach
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Bioengineering Program, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
D. B. Geselowitz
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Bioengineering Program, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
A. Sinha
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Bioengineering Program, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
H. K. Hsu
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Bioengineering Program, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Mar 1989, 111(1): 69-74 (6 pages)
Published Online: March 1, 1989
Article history
May 1, 1987
July 21, 2009
Tsach, U., Geselowitz, D. B., Sinha, A., and Hsu, H. K. (March 1, 1989). "A Novel Output Feedback Pusher Plate Controller for the Penn State Electric Ventricular Assist Device." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. March 1989; 111(1): 69–74.
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