The first Technical Note in this series [1] introduced the international standard ISO 10303, informally known as STEP, and the second [2] dealt with some practical aspects of using the standard for the exchange of CAD models. It was noted in [1] that the current published parts of the standard are restricted to the representation and exchange of non-parameterized models. The present contribution discusses the implications of that restriction and describes the progress of the ISO TC184/SC4 committee towards its removal. As will be shown, this extension of the STEP standard will lead to considerable benefits for industry.
Issue Section:
Technical Note
, M. J.
, 2001a
, “Introduction to ISO 10303—the STEP Standard for Product Data Exchange
,” ASME J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng.
, 1
, No. 1
, pp. 102
, M. J.
, 2001b
, “Practical Aspects of using the STEP Standard
,” ASME J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng.
, 1
, No. 2
, pp. 197
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.Copyright © 2001
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