In large direct-drive off-shore wind turbine generators one challenge is to engineer the system to function securely with an air gap length of about a thousandth of the outer rotor diameter. Compared to the large diameter of the generator rotor, the rolling element bearings can only be constructed with a relatively limited size. This makes it challenging to design appropriate constructions able to transmit the large applied magnetic forces encountered in the air gap of direct drive wind turbine generators. Currently, this challenge is met by designing stiff heavy rotors that are able to withstand the forces in the air gap. Incorporating flexibility into the design of the rotor structure can lead to a lighter less expensive rotor. In order to be able to do this the magnetomechanical coupling in the air gap and its effect on the structural dynamics need to be taken into account when predicting the intended flexibility. This paper introduces an approach for a multiphysical modal analysis that makes it possible to predict the dynamics of the strongly coupled magnetomechanical system. The new method is validated using measurements of a simple lab setup. It is then applied to a single-bearing design direct-drive wind turbine generator rotor to calculate the changes of the structural dynamics caused by the electromagnetomechanical coupling.
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July 2015
Electromagnetomechanical Coupled Vibration Analysis of a Direct-Drive Off-Shore Wind Turbine Generator
Michael Kirschneck,
Michael Kirschneck
Faculty 3mE,
Department PME,
Department PME,
Delft University of Technology
,Delft 2628CD
, The Netherlands
Search for other works by this author on:
Daniel J. Rixen,
Daniel J. Rixen
Institute of Applied Mechanics,
Institute of Applied Mechanics,
Technische Universität München
,Boltzmannstr 15
,D-85748 Garching b. München
, Germany
Search for other works by this author on:
Henk Polinder,
Henk Polinder
Associate Professor
Faculty EWI,
Department EPP,
Faculty EWI,
Department EPP,
Delft University of Technology
,Delft 2628CD
, The Netherlands
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Ron A. J. van Ostayen
Ron A. J. van Ostayen
Associate Professor
Faculty 3mE,
Department PME,
Faculty 3mE,
Department PME,
Delft University of Technology
,Delft 2628CD
, The Netherlands
Search for other works by this author on:
Michael Kirschneck
Faculty 3mE,
Department PME,
Department PME,
Delft University of Technology
,Delft 2628CD
, The Netherlands
Daniel J. Rixen
Institute of Applied Mechanics,
Institute of Applied Mechanics,
Technische Universität München
,Boltzmannstr 15
,D-85748 Garching b. München
, Germany
Henk Polinder
Associate Professor
Faculty EWI,
Department EPP,
Faculty EWI,
Department EPP,
Delft University of Technology
,Delft 2628CD
, The Netherlands
Ron A. J. van Ostayen
Associate Professor
Faculty 3mE,
Department PME,
Faculty 3mE,
Department PME,
Delft University of Technology
,Delft 2628CD
, The Netherlands
Contributed by the Design Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. Manuscript received February 17, 2014; final manuscript received June 5, 2014; published online April 2, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Carlo L. Bottasso.
J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. Jul 2015, 10(4): 041011 (12 pages)
Published Online: July 1, 2015
Article history
February 17, 2014
Revision Received:
June 5, 2014
April 2, 2015
Kirschneck, M., Rixen, D. J., Polinder, H., and van Ostayen, R. A. J. (July 1, 2015). "Electromagnetomechanical Coupled Vibration Analysis of a Direct-Drive Off-Shore Wind Turbine Generator." ASME. J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. July 2015; 10(4): 041011.
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