A computer code, ICAN (Integrated Composites Analyzer), has been developed to analyze/design fiber composite structures. The program includes composite mechanics theories that resulted from extensive research that has been conducted over the past 15 years at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Lewis Research Center. These theories account for environmental effects and are applicable to intraply hybrid composites, interply hybrid composites and combinations of these, as well as conventional laminate analysis. Key features and capabilities of ICAN are described. A sample input data set and selected output are provided to illustrate its generality/versatility and user friendly structure.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
computer codes,
composite mechanics,
structural analysis,
stress concentration factor,
free edge stresses,
hygothermomechanical response,
influence coefficients,
laminate analysis,
hygothermal degradation,
failure criteria,
environmental effects,
intraply hybrid composites,
interply hybrid composites,
mechanical properties,
thermal properties,
hygral properties,
data base
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, C. C.
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, C. C.
and Smith
G. T.
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, C. C.
and Minich
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, C. C.
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, J. H.
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,” NASA TM-79133, 1979
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