Lightweight composite materials are increasingly used in geotechnical engineering projects. This paper presents experimental and numerical investigations on the compressibility characteristics and “at-rest” lateral earth pressure of the mixture of expanded polystyrene (EPS) beads and some virtual steel pellets that are completely rounded particulates. The mixtures were prepared by adding EPS beads to the steel pellets at 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 % by weight. The experiments were carried out using two types of oedometers: the standard Casagrande and a tall oedometer apparatus. The discrete element modeling (DEM), in turn, is conducted to simulate the compressibility characteristics and “at-rest” lateral earth pressure of the EPS composite particulates using the open-source framework YADE. To this end, the mechanical parameters of different constituents are calibrated based on the direct shear experiments on the pure steel and EPS beads. Comparison of the experimental and numerical results illustrates that the DEM model can properly predict the compression and lateral earth pressure behavior of the mixtures of EPS beads and sand.