Based on the comparison of the selected characteristics of laboratory prepared modified binders, different blends of bituminous binders with added poly-olefin based additive (PAO) were evaluated alone or in combination with styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) polymers. The basic type of bitumen used for the modification was a paving grade 50/70. The second reference binder was an industrially produced polymer-modified bitumen PMB 40/80-85. The properties of bituminous binders were evaluated using selected empirical tests and functional tests on Dynamic Shear Rheometer and viscosity test. Additionally, assessed binder variants were used in a stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixture, and bitumen properties were compared with performance behavior of the mixture, mainly, stiffness, water susceptibility, resistance to permanent deformations, and behavior in the low temperature range. The results show that the effect of the PAO additive depends mainly on the base binder used. It is a more affordable variant than conventional PMBs from an economic point of view, although the resulting properties with PAO additive are not comparable to those of traditional PMBs. The PAO may be used as a certain intermediate performance product between paving grades and PMB binders.