Ground-glass pozzolan (GP) obtained by grinding the mixed-waste glass to a similar fineness as cement can act as a supplementary cementing material (SCM), given that it is an amorphous and a pozzolanic material. The GP showed promising performance in mortar and concrete mixtures in laboratory and in large-scale field applications, enabling it to be a useful new SCM. However, while there are results about the use of GP in mortar and concrete, there is no single study covering all the aspects of using GP in mortar and concrete that satisfies the requirements of the ASTM and CSA Standard Specifications. This review on the use of GP in mortar and concrete compiles and analyzes the available data concerning the characteristics, production rates, and performance of GP used in mortar and concrete to provide the necessary information for updating the ASTM and CSA Standard Specifications to consider the GP as a new SCM.