Ultra-fine active silica powder (UASP) is beneficial to improve the properties of cement and concrete. In this study, the fluidity, compressive strength, and durability (freezing-thawing resistance, chloride ion penetration, and carbonation resistance) of concrete with 0 %, 5 %, 10 %, 15 %, and 20 % UASP addition were evaluated. The results demonstrated that compared with the control concrete, the slump flow and compressive strength of concrete containing 10 % UASP were increased by 46.7 % and 25.2 % at 3 days and 7 days, respectively. The durability of 10 % UASP concrete was superior to that of the control concrete, with a decrease of 70 % carbonation depth and 53.2 % electric flux.
Issue Section:
Technical Papers
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