There are numerous areas of materials specifications accepted or not covered regarding current specifications in ASTM, American Concrete Institute (ACI), or other recognized standards groups. In the past, specifications made utilizing ASTM C150 portland cement and ASTM C33 aggregates were the norm. Utilization of supplementary cementitious materials added to the potential for quality improvements and cost control. Further expansion occurred with use of recycled aggregates, re-graded and blended with conventional aggregates. Newer cements and aggregates have been researched, produced on a limited basis and tested. Some have been proven to be successful and are in use commercially. Some are used in Ultra High Performance Concretes. The use of these materials has been hindered by lack of inclusion in specifications. In those cases that have had specifications for these newer materials developed, lack of acceptance by building codes, departments of transportation, and others has hindered their use. Efforts are needed to develop standard specifications as needed along with efforts to gain acceptance by building codes and transport bodies. It will describe acceptances gained and further efforts needed.