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Keywords: supplementary cementing materials
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Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
Cement, Concrete & Aggregates. December 2004, 26(2): 1–5.
Published Online: December 4, 2004
...PC Taylor; W Morrison; VA Jennings The test method was developed to evaluate portland cement systems with different air contents, and for the purpose of determining whether the apparent poor performance of concretes containing supplementary cementing materials in the ASTM C 672 deicer scaling test...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASTM International
Article Type: Research-Article
Cement, Concrete & Aggregates. December 1999, 21(2): 173–184.
Published Online: December 1, 1999
... and laboratory engineering database on the longterm effectiveness of supplementary cementing materials (SCMs) in controlling and/or reducing expansion and cracking in concrete due to ASR. The results obtained to date indicate that the effectiveness of SCMs in controlling expansion due to ASR is a function...
Journal Articles