On the basis of experimental results, correlations were established between, on the one hand, aggregate crushing value and the percentage of natural Indonesian river gravels lost as per the Los Angeles abrasion test and the compressive strength and the modulus of elasticity of hardened concretes on the other. For gravels complying with standard requirements, differences of up to 11.8 MPa (1678 psi) in compressive strength and up to 10.9 GPa (1.55 × 106 psi) in modulus of elasticity were observed between concretes made with high and low quality gravels.
Issue Section:
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No. 0079-75 cara penentuan kekerasan batu pecah atau kerikil alam untuk digunakan sebagai pendasi, pengerasan jalan dan aggregat beton, dengan menggunakan bejana tekan Rudeloff, Departemen Perindustrian
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,” Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers
(London), No. 5
, 03
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