Evidence on epimuscular myofascial force transmission (EMFT) was shown for undissected muscle in situ. We hypothesize that global length changes of gastrocnemius muscle-tendon complex in vivo will cause sizable and heterogeneous local strains within all muscles of the human lower leg. Our goal is to test this hypothesis. A method was developed and validated using high-resolution 3D magnetic resonance image sets and Demons nonrigid registration algorithm for performing large deformation analyses. Calculation of strain tensors per voxel in human muscles in vivo allowed quantifying local heterogeneous tissue deformations and volume changes. After hip and knee movement (Δ knee angle ≈ 25 deg) but without any ankle movement, local lengthening within m. gastrocnemius was shown to occur simultaneously with local shortening (maximally by +34.2% and −32.6%, respectively) at different locations. Moreover, similar local strains occur also within other muscles, despite being kept at constant muscle-tendon complex length. This is shown for synergistic m. soleus and deep flexors, as well as for antagonistic anterior crural and peroneal muscle groups: minimum peak lengthening and shortening equaled 23.3% and 25.54%, respectively despite global isometric conditions. These findings confirm our hypothesis and show that in vivo, muscles are in principle not independent mechanically.
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September 2013
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Assessment of Mechanical Interactions Between Human Lower Leg Muscles in Vivo
Cengizhan Ozturk,
Cengizhan Ozturk
Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
Istanbul 34342,
Boğaziçi University
,Istanbul 34342,
Search for other works by this author on:
Peter A. Huijing,
Peter A. Huijing
Research Instituut ‘Move’ Faculteit Bewegingswetenschappen,
Amsterdam 1082,
Vrije Universiteit
,Amsterdam 1082,
The Netherlands
Search for other works by this author on:
Can A. Yucesoy
Can A. Yucesoy
Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
Istanbul 34342,
e-mail: can.yucesoy@boun.edu.tr
Boğaziçi University
,Istanbul 34342,
e-mail: can.yucesoy@boun.edu.tr
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
Cengizhan Ozturk
Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
Istanbul 34342,
Boğaziçi University
,Istanbul 34342,
Peter A. Huijing
Research Instituut ‘Move’ Faculteit Bewegingswetenschappen,
Amsterdam 1082,
Vrije Universiteit
,Amsterdam 1082,
The Netherlands
Can A. Yucesoy
Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
Istanbul 34342,
e-mail: can.yucesoy@boun.edu.tr
Boğaziçi University
,Istanbul 34342,
e-mail: can.yucesoy@boun.edu.tr
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received September 21, 2012; final manuscript received May 7, 2013; accepted manuscript posted May 16, 2013; published online July 10, 2013. Assoc. Editor: Brian D. Stemper.
J Biomech Eng. Sep 2013, 135(9): 091003 (9 pages)
Published Online: July 10, 2013
Article history
September 21, 2012
Revision Received:
May 7, 2013
May 16, 2013
Yaman, A., Ozturk, C., Huijing, P. A., and Yucesoy, C. A. (July 10, 2013). "Magnetic Resonance Imaging Assessment of Mechanical Interactions Between Human Lower Leg Muscles in Vivo." ASME. J Biomech Eng. September 2013; 135(9): 091003. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4024573
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