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eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Manuals
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 2022
ISBN: 978-0-8031-7134-3
... Soil as a corrosive environment is probably of greater complexity than any other environment. The corrosion process of buried metal structures is extremely variable and can range from rapid to negligible. With background knowledge of the principal soil characteristics and their influence...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 2013
ISBN: 978-0-8031-7556-3
... When designing building foundations, infrastructure, or operations for natural resource retrieval in cold regions, mechanical properties of frozen soils need to be known in order to avoid sudden bearing capacity failures, excessive creep settlements, and slope failures. Several methods exist...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 2000
ISBN-10: 0-8031-2859-2
ISBN: 978-0-8031-2859-0
... is a three-point impact compaction test based on standard impact compaction energy level, and is performed on an adjusted wet density basis thus alleviating the need for water content determinations. Each soil sample from the in-place density test is tested using the Rapid Method to assure accurate...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 2000
ISBN-10: 0-8031-2859-2
ISBN: 978-0-8031-2859-0
... This paper describes a comparative study of the three most commonly used field density tests: sand-cone, nuclear, and drive-cylinder. In order to evaluate the range of variability of these tests, a large-scale soil compaction apparatus was constructed so that soil could be compacted to a known...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1999
ISBN-10: 0-8031-2616-6
ISBN: 978-0-8031-2616-9
... The Interim Superfund Method for the Determination of Releasable Asbestos in Soils and Bulk Materials [ 1 ] provides asbestos measurements that can be related directly to risk. Results from a pilot study indicate that target sensitivities of 5 × 10 7 total asb s/g and 3 × 10 6 long asb s/g...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1998
ISBN-10: 0-8031-2484-8
ISBN: 978-0-8031-2484-4
... available. Food-chain analysis has frequently been applied to the analysis of exposure to BCCs identified as chemicals of potential ecological concern (COPECs) in the ecological risk assessment process. Here, designed studies focused on wetland food-chains such as “hydric soilsoil macroinvertebrate...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1995
ISBN-10: 0-8031-1884-8
ISBN: 978-0-8031-1884-3
... human tibia. Blood Environmental samples Lead Paint Soils Standard Reference Materials Peter A. Pella I, James R. DeVoe 2, and Anthony F. Marlow 3 DEVELOPMENT OF NIST STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR LEAD IN BLOOD, PAINT, HOUSEHOLD DUST, SOIL, AND SIMULATED BONE REFERENCE: Pella, P...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1994
ISBN-10: 0-8031-1992-5
ISBN: 978-0-8031-1992-5
... Soil-cement slurry used in buried pipe installations has become an increasing popular choice for contractors. Flexible pipe, including PVC and RPM, as well as rigid pipe are being installed using this technique. The ingredients of the soil-cement can vary, but typically is a combination of soil...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1994
ISBN-10: 0-8031-1877-5
ISBN: 978-0-8031-1877-5
... A laminar box has been constructed at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to permit accurate dynamic centrifuge testing of geotechnical and soil-structure models subjected to horizontal one-dimensional earthquake excitation at the base of a soil deposit. The container is designed for dry...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1993
ISBN-10: 0-8031-1475-3
ISBN: 978-0-8031-1475-3
... The MetalTrace method, which consists of an anion-exchange separation coupled with a spectrophotometric quantification, was used to determine lead and cadmium in sulfuric acid-hydrogen peroxide digests of soils and sludges and hydrobromic acid extracts of soils. Cadmium only was determined...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1992
ISBN-10: 0-8031-1443-5
ISBN: 978-0-8031-1443-2
... In this work, two areas of application of the GEODUR additive in cement stabilization of waste materials have been investigated: stabilization of radioactive contaminated soil and stabilization of municipal solid waste incinerator ash. Preliminary experimental work on a clayey soil contaminated...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1991
ISBN-10: 0-8031-1422-2
ISBN: 978-0-8031-1422-7
... A recently developed bioassay protocol was used to characterize seven different soil types and Promix BX. The green alga Selenastrum capricornutum was used as the test organism. A ruggedness test which altered seven variables was conducted to identify procedural stipulations that should...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1991
ISBN-10: 0-8031-1294-7
ISBN: 978-0-8031-1294-0
...). The method was compared with U.S. EPA Method 3050, an open-vessel, hot plate digestion method. microwave oven RCRA wastes acids preparation digestion metals sediments sludges soils oils David A. Binstock,l Peter M. Grohse, 2 Alvia Gaskill, Jr.,3 and Charles Sellers 4 VALIDATION...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1990
ISBN-10: 0-8031-1293-9
ISBN: 978-0-8031-1293-3
..., soils, and oils. microwave oven RCRA wastes acids preparation digestion metals sediments sludges soils oils David A. Binstock, Peter M. Grohse, Alvia Gaskill, Jr., Kate K. Luk, Percy L. Swift, Howard M. Kingston, and Charles Sellers VALIDATION OF METHODSFOR DETERMINING ELEMENTSIN...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1990
ISBN-10: 0-8031-1293-9
ISBN: 978-0-8031-1293-3
.... Petroleum gasoline analyses petrochemicals soils manual regulations waste Dennis M. Stainken, Michael W. Miller ESTABLISHING AN ANALYTICAL MANUAL FOR GASOLINE PRODUCTS FOR NEW JERSEY'S PROGRAMS PETROLEUM AND ENVIRONMENTAL REFI~eK1HCE: S t a i n k e n , D. M., H i l l e r , H. W., " E s t a b l i s...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1990
ISBN-10: 0-8031-1406-0
ISBN: 978-0-8031-1406-7
... underground corrosion soils storage tanks electrical equipment electronics equipment bronze statues atmospheric corrosion Robert Baboian 1 Corrosion A Problem of International Importance REFERENCE: Baboian, R., "Corrosion--A Problem of International Importance," Corrosion Testing and Evaluation...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1989
ISBN-10: 0-8031-1189-4
ISBN: 978-0-8031-1189-9
... from four highway reconstruction sites were sampled to determine the maximum weight loss from the most corroded area of each pipe. In-situ and laboratory soil resistivities were determined in or adjacent to each pipe trench, along with soil pH and soluble salts including sulfates. Corrosive weight loss...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1988
ISBN-10: 0-8031-0987-3
ISBN: 978-0-8031-0987-2
... The presence of total organic halides (TOX) in soils and sediments is a good indicator that the soil, and possibly the underlying aquifiers, are contaminated. Since many halogenated organics are highly toxic to human health with some being carcinogenic, and naturally occurring organic halides...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1988
ISBN-10: 0-8031-0981-4
ISBN: 978-0-8031-0981-0
... Galvanic corrosion current measurements carried out on stressed Type 301 stainless steel coupled to zinc at six underground test sites over a period of four years indicate that the galvanic current is controlled by soil resistivity or oxygen availability in the soil. In well aerated soils...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1988
ISBN-10: 0-8031-0983-0
ISBN: 978-0-8031-0983-4
... a useful means to measure the strength and deformation characteristics of soils. The results, however, should be corrected to account for the actual states of stress in the field. Furthermore, some recent advances in the methods and equipment for triaxial testing and other related kinds of testing...