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eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1977
ISBN-10: 0-8031-4490-3
ISBN: 978-0-8031-4490-3
..., once processing parameters were defined. Structural as well as hemispherical shapes were postformed from consolidated flat laminates. Poor-quality panels were reprocessed to high-quality parts, using the thermoplasticity of the matrix resins. The PES exhibited sensitivity to moisture as shown...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1969
ISBN-10: 0-8031-6648-6
ISBN: 978-0-8031-6648-6
... is presented in tabular form, and reference is made to the general process capabilities of high-volume malleable iron casting producers for use by casting designers and engineers. New information on fatigue life of as-cast surfaces and postforming operations is discussed. malleable iron castings feeding...