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eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 2012
ISBN: 978-0-8031-7555-6
... A numerical study to compare the performance of water and copper oxide (CuO) nanofluid flowing under laminar regime in a parallel-plate channel, serving as a heat sink in an electronic device, has been presented. The geometry considered here is commonly used in the design of heat sinks suitable...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 2012
ISBN: 978-0-8031-7555-6
... Al-alloy (Al-5 wt. %Zn and Al-5 wt. %Si) nanoparticle dispersed (0.01–2.00 vol. %) ethylene glycol based nanofluids are prepared by a two-step process. Prior to dispersing in ethylene glycol by magnetic stirring and ultrasonication the Al-alloy nanoparticles synthesized by mechanical alloying...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 2012
ISBN: 978-0-8031-7555-6
... This paper is a continuation of the authors' previous work on the nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of nanofluids [Suriyawong, A. and Wongwises, S., “Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of TiO2-water nanofluids at very low concentrations,” Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. , Vol. 34...