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Keywords: hydrogen cyanide
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eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1985
ISBN-10: 0-8031-0430-8
ISBN: 978-0-8031-0430-3
... of interferences and the poor method precision made this test method inappropriate for measuring HCN in wastes. On the other hand, study data suggested that, with some refinements, this procedure is a potentially useful technique for measuring H 2 S in waste materials. solid wastes hydrogen cyanide...
eBook Chapter
Series: ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1982
ISBN-10: 0-8031-0603-3
ISBN: 978-0-8031-0603-1
... This paper describes a new procedure for the determination of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) concentrations in air. Airborne HCN is entrained in an impinger containing aqueous alkali and subsequently converted to sodium formate; the latter is quantitatively measured by ion chromatography. The collection...