Dosimetry Nomenclature in the United States
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The purpose of this paper is to present briefly the history of dosimetry, to describe the work done in the field of dosimetric systems and nomenclature by five national and one international committee, to present the current nomenclature attendant to material dosimetry, and to point out some of the current problems in the field.
The terms discussed are: absorbed dose, dosimetry, carbon dose, cadmium ratio, exposure dose, and neutron energy ranges. A new definition is suggested for absorbed dose. The concept of reference dose is discussed and defined.
The national committees concerned with nuclear technology are: (1) Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Advisory Committee for Nuclear Measurements and Standards, (2) the National Research Council's Subcommittee on High Level Dosimetry, (3) the ASTM Joint Subcommittee, of Committees D-9 and D-20, on Radiation Effects to Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials, (4) the ASTM Task Groups on Dosimetry, of Committee E-10 on Radioisotopes and Radiation Effects, (5) the Nuclear Standards Board's Subcommittee on Nuclear Terms, and (6) the International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements.
The conclusions derived from the discussion of the current state of material dosimetry nomenclature are that confusion exists in the field but that the nature of the confusion is recognized and work is being done to remedy the situation by establishing generally accepted nomenclature and methods for material dosimetry.