Techniques Employed in the Electron Microscope Study of Titanium Alloy with 8 Per Cent Manganese: First Progress Report of Non-Ferrous Task Group of Subcommittee XI on Electron Microstructure of Metals, ASTM Committee E-4 on Metallography
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At the present time, a need exists for evaluation of methods of specimen preparation and replicating techniques for electron microscopy of non-ferrous materials, similar to that being performed for steels by Subcommittee XL This need is now being fulfilled by the Non-Ferrous Task Group of Subcommittee XL Members and participants of this Task Group include: C. M. Schwartz, Chairman—Battelle Memorial Institute. N. A. Nielsen, Secretary—E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. I. I. Bessen—North American Philips Co., Inc. L. S. Birks—Naval Research Laboratory. W. L. Fink—Aluminum Company of America. W. L. Grube—General Motors Corp. R. C. Scott—General Motors Corp. M. S. Hunter—Aluminum Company of America. J. E. McNutt—E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. W. Pohl—Ford Motor Co. R. M. Slepian—Westinghouse Electric Corp. J. E. Taylor—Chase Brass and Copper Co., Inc. S. T. Ross—Chrysler Corp. D.M. Teague—Chrysler Corp. C. F. Tufts—Sylvania Electric Products,Inc.