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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Papers on Radiography
Leslie W. Ball
Leslie W. Ball
1Physics Research Dept.,
Naval Ordnance Lab.
White Oak, Silver Spring, Md.
Chairman of Symposium Committee
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ASTM International
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In October, 1948, a 10-mev. betatron was installed at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory and put into operation. The installation of a 2-mev generator in the same room had to be completed and many building and operational details taken care of before the use of the betatron was anything but sporadic. This work was completed in March, 1949, and since that time the 10-mev. unit has been in almost continuous use. The magnet of the betatron, Fig. 1, is crane mounted, has a positioning area of 18 by 30 ft., may be rotated and tilted. Power and cooling water to the oil immersed magnet are supplied through pendant lines. The power supply and regulation circuits are mounted on the maze roof within the exposure room, and the console control desk, in an adjoining room. The principal application of this betatron is the radiography of large critical items. Therefore, the determination of the radiographic characteristics of 10-mev. radiation was necessary.

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