Analysis of Charpy V-Notch Impact Toughness of Irradiated A533-B Class 1 Plate and Four Submerged-Arc Welds
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Studies of the effects of neutron irradiation on Charpy V-notch impact properties of steels have, in general, included a minimum number of tests for each combination of material and irradiation parameters. The present study attempts to apply statistical analyses with multiple testing at selected temperatures to assess the accuracy and reliability of results.
Charpy V-notch impact test specimens were irradiated in the Bulk Shielding Reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory at 288°C to target neutron fluences of 2 × 1023 neutrons (n)/m2 (>1 MeV). The materials were ASTM A533-B Class 1 plate (Heavy-Section Steel Technology Plate 02) and four submerged-arc welds representing current nuclear pressure vessel fabrication practice. Both unirradiated and irradiated specimens were tested by two separate groups and multiple tests were conducted at several selected temperatures. Statistical analyses permitted determination of material and test variability and an interlaboratory comparison.
Several Charpy curve-fitting methods were used and results are compared with predictions from several “trend curve” expressions.