Ti-3Al-2.5V for Seawater Piping Applications
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Copper-nickel alloys and steel are the materials most commonly used for piping applications in a seawater environment. For situations where reduced weight, increased flexibility, and excellent corrosion-erosion resistance are desired, titanium is an extremely attractive alternate material.
Commercially pure grades of titanium can be used for seawater piping, but are rather low in strength. However, by taking advantage of the high specific strength possible with alloys of titanium, substantial weight savings can be achieved.
Based upon screening studies, Ti-3Al-2.5V was selected for investigation as a candidate alloy for this application. Plate 25.4-mm (1-in.) thick, extruded from Ti-3Al-2.5V billet at a 10:1 reduction ratio, was used for heat treatment and property studies. In addition, double-vee butt weldments of this plate were prepared by the automatic cold-wire gas tungsten arc welding process. The results of mechanical property tests will be presented for both Ti-3Al-2.5V plate and weldments.
Results to date indicate that the Ti-3Al-2.5V alloy possesses a highly desirable suite of properties that make it a very attractive candidate for piping and machinery applications in the seawater environment.