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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Fatigue Mechanisms
JT Fong
JT Fong
Editor, and Chairman of Symposium Organizing Committee
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ASTM International
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Following a note of welcome to the symposium participants, the activities of the ASTM Committee E9 on Fatigue are described. To place the 1978 symposium on fatigue mechanisms in perspective, some general comments on a symposium held in 1958 and some specific comments on each of the technical papers presented at that meeting are made. The conclusion one draws from a review of that symposium is that many investigators were seeking to understand fatigue by the use of special materials. Lithium fluoride, silver chloride, single crystals, and so forth, were the tools that could be used to increase our powers of observation on the basic behavior that was involved. Since then, the study of fatigue has advanced not so much from the aspect of mechanism, but more from phenomenology, including low-cycle fatigue, crack propagation, environment-enhanced fatigue, etc. It remains for this symposium to indicate whether we have gained more understanding of the basic mechanisms of fatigue during the past 20 years, and whether the proceedings will yield some new insight leading to a breakthrough in fatigue research.

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