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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Report on Available Standard Samples and Related Materials for Spectrochemical Analysis
Robert E. Michaelis
Robert E. Michaelis
National Bureau of Standards
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ASTM International
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This introduction presents a discussion definitions and nomenclature. It is followed by the results of the survey on standard samples and related materials applicable in spectrochemical analysis. The survey on available materials is divided into three main sections: Standard Samples Reference Samples High-Purity Materials Descriptive information is given for the samples and materials currently available and also for those in the preparation stage. References are made to tables that list the compositions of the samples; for convenience, an alphabetical list of suppliers with addresses is given at the end of the descriptive sections on standard samples and high-purity materials. The section on standard samples is subdivided into eight groups, as follows: Aluminum and Aluminum-Base Alloys Iron and Iron-Base Alloys Magnesium-Base Alloys Zinc, Lead, Tin, and Their Alloys Copper and Copper-Base Alloys Nickel-Base and Cobalt-Base Alloys Titanium, Zirconium, and Their Alloys Miscellaneous Standard Samples The standard samples appearing under the miscellaneous group include ceramic materials, steel-making alloys, ores, refractories, horticultural materials, and oil additives. The section on reference samples lists the available samples in this class and presents data on the elements, concentration ranges, and matrices.

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