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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Durability of Building and Construction Sealants and Adhesives: 3rd Volume
Andreas T. Wolf
Andreas T. Wolf
Corning GmbH
, Wiesbaden,
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ASTM International
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eBook Chapter
Resistance of Adhesive Bonding of Ultra-High Performance Concrete to Hygrothermal, Corrosive, and Freeze-Thaw Cycling Environments
R. Krelaus
R. Krelaus
Ph.D., Post Graduate Scientist, Former Member of Construction Materials and Chemistry
, Univ. of Kassel
, 34125 Kassel, Hessia,
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G. Wisner
G. Wisner
Graduate Scientist
, Joining and Welding, Technical Univ. Braunschweig
, 38106 Braunschweig, Lower Saxony,
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S. Freisinger-Schadow
S. Freisinger-Schadow
Graduate Scientist
, Construction Materials and Chemistry, Univ. of Kassel
, 34125 Kassel, Hessia,
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M. Schmidt
M. Schmidt
, Construction Materials and Chemistry, Univ. of Kassel
, 34125 Kassel, Hessia,
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S. Böhm
S. Böhm
, Joining and Welding, Technical Univ. Braunschweig
, 38106 Braunschweig, Lower Saxony,
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K. Dilger
K. Dilger
, Joining and Welding, Technical Univ. Braunschweig
, 38106 Braunschweig, Lower Saxony,
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Page Count:
Krelaus, R, Wisner, G, Freisinger-Schadow, S, Schmidt, M, Böhm, S, & Dilger, K. "Resistance of Adhesive Bonding of Ultra-High Performance Concrete to Hygrothermal, Corrosive, and Freeze-Thaw Cycling Environments." Durability of Building and Construction Sealants and Adhesives: 3rd Volume. Ed. Wolf, AT. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 : ASTM International, 2010.
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Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) with its unique material properties is suitable for the application of adhesive bonding as a joining technique. The results presented in this paper were generated as part of a research project aimed at investigating the properties of UHPC adhesive joints in terms of reliability, safety, and load bearing capacity. Fourteen adhesives were tested for strength and durability considering varying conditions of substrate surface pretreatment and different UHPC compositions. Tests under hygrothermal, freezing, and salt-spraying exposures were performed to investigate the long-term durability under different climatic conditions.
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, No. 1, Kassel University Press GmbH
, Kassel, Germany
, 2005
; (The original German title was translated into English without the permission of the copyright holders. The given translation is only intended to easily obtain the topic of the publication.)2.
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, Krelaus
, R.
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, T.
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, E.
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J. H.
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, pp. 578–590.10.
, S.
, Wisner
, G.
, Krelaus
, R.
, Schmidt
, M.
, Boehm
, S.
, and Dilger
, K.
, “Structural and Semi-Structural Adhesive Bonding of UHPC by Modifying the Surface and Close-to-Surface Layers
,” Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ultra High Performance Concrete
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, 2008, pp. 275–282; (Last accessed 12 Sept. 2009).11.
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, Adhesive Bonding
(German title: Kleben), 6th ed., Springer Verlag
, Heidelberg, New York
, 2009
. (The original German title was translated into English without the permission of the copyright holders. The given translation is only intended to easily obtain the topic of the publication.)13.
, A. W.
and Schulz
, R.-R.
, Surface Treatment of Concrete
(German title: Handbuch der Oberflächenbearbeitung Beton), Birkhäuser
, Boston
, 2006
. (The original German title was translated into English without the permission of the copyright holders. The given translation is only intended to easily obtain the topic of the publication.)14.
, R. J.
, “Organic Materials for Bonding, Patching, and Sealing Concrete
,” Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials, STP 169D
, Chap. 54, Lamond
J. F.
and Pielert
J. H.
, Eds., ASTM International
, West Conshohocken, PA
, 2006
, pp. 625–630.15.
, C. K.
, “Freezing and Thawing
,” Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials, STP 169D
, Chap. 15, Lamond
J. F.
and Pielert
J. H.
, Eds., ASTM International
, West Conshohocken, PA
, 2006
, pp. 154–163.16.
, M. D. A.
and Skalny
, J.
, “Chemical Resistance of Concrete
,” Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials, STP 169D
, chap. 24, Lamond
J. F.
and Pielert
J. H.
, Eds., ASTM International
, West Conshohocken, Pa
, 2006
, pp. 253–273.17.
, L.
, Deckelmann
, G.
, and Schmidt
, H.
, “Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete with Respect to Chemical Attack
,” Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ultra High Performance Concrete
, Kassel, Germany
, 2008
, Kassel University Press GmbH
, Kassel, Germany
, 2008, pp. 453–460; (Last accessed 12 Sept. 2009).18.
, C.
and Zilch
, K.
, “Experimental Investigation of the Long-Term behavior of Glued UHPC Joints
,” Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Ultra High Performance Concrete
, Kassel, Germany
, 2008
, Kassel University Press GmbH
, Kassel, Germany
, 2008. pp. 561–568; (Last accessed 12 Sept. 2009).19.
ASTM Standard C666/C666M-03(2008), “
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,” ASTM International
, West Conshohocken, PA
; (Last accessed 12 Sept. 2009).20.
, N.
, “Testing of Concrete; Recommendations and Notes as a Supplement to DIN 1048, Section 3.3: Tensile Strength
,” (German title: Prüfung von Beton, Empfehlungen und Hinweise zu DIN 1048, Abschnitt 3.3 Zugfestigkeit), Issue 422
, Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton (DAfStb)
[German Committee for Steel-Reinforced Concrete], Berlin, Germany
, 1991
. (The original German title was translated into English without the permission of the copyright holders. The given translation is only intended to easily obtain the topic of the publication.)21.
VDA 621-415 (1982-02),
, “Testing of Corrosion Protection of Vehicle Paint by Alternating Cycles Test
” (German title: Prüfung des Korrosionsschutzes von Kraftfahrzeuglackierungen bei zyklisch wechselnder Beanspruchung), Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA)
, Munich, Germany. (The original German title was translated into English without the permission of the copyright holders. The given translation is only intended to easily obtain the topic of the publication.)22.
, G.
and Franke
, L.
, “Bonding of Concrete Structures in Civil Engineering
” (German title: Kleben im konstruktiven Betonbau), Issue 331
, Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton
[German Committee for Steel-Reinforced Concrete], Berlin, Germany
, 1982
. (The original German title was translated into English without the permission of the copyright holders. The given translation is only intended to easily obtain the topic of the publication.)23.
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, “Failure Criteria for Structural Joints
,” Proceedings of the RILEM International Symposium on Adhesion Between Polymers and Concrete—Bonding, Protection, Repair
, Aix-en-Provence
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, 1986, Sasse
H. R.
, Ed., Chapman and Hall
, London
, 1986
, pp. 650–660, ISBN 0412290502.
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