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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Skiing Trauma and Safety: Fifteenth Volume
RJ Johnson, MD,
RJ Johnson, MD
University of Vermont
?Burlington, Vermont,
Symposium Chairman and Editor
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JE Shealy, PhD,
JE Shealy, PhD
Rochester Institute of Technology
?Rochester, New York,
Symposium Co-chairman and Editor
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G Ahlbäumer, MD
G Ahlbäumer, MD
Klinik Gut St. Moritz
?St. Moritz,
Program Chairman & Editor
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ASTM International
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eBook Chapter
Contrast Enhancing Filters in Ski Sports
B Lingelbach
B Lingelbach
1Ph. D.,
Professor and Head of Institute of Optometry
, Aalen (IfAA)
, Untere Gasse 17, 73453 Abtsgmünd/Leinroden,
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G Jendrusch
G Jendrusch
2Ph. D.,
Biologist, Sport Scientist, and Assistant Chairman of Sports Medicine Department
, Ruhr University Bochum
, Overbergstraβe 19, 44780 Bochum,
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Page Count:
Lingelbach, B, & Jendrusch, G. "Contrast Enhancing Filters in Ski Sports." Skiing Trauma and Safety: Fifteenth Volume. Ed. Johnson, R, Shealy, J, & Ahlbäumer, G. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 : ASTM International, 2005.
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The need to visually recognize irregularities in the terrain, such as hummocks or hollows, is necessary for the skier to react appropriately. The state of the art is to use blue attenuator filters or grey filters as sunglasses. But without knowledge of the spectra, e.g., the surface of the slope, it is impossible to choose or develop an optimal filter. We measured the spectra of snow under various conditions. These data served as a base to develop a new kind of filter suitable for skiing. Some physiological evidence is given why this new kind of filter is optimal for skiing. The filters are already used by the German Ski Federation World Cup team (women) in both training and competition.
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