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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and Inspection
JL Erdly
JL Erdly
Masonry Preservation Systems, Inc.
Bloomsburg, PA
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TA Schwartz
TA Schwartz
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc.
Waltham, MA
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No. of Pages:
ASTM International
Publication date:

This paper discusses an alternative method of approaching the design, implementation, and documentation of the restoration of monumental stone building facades, as performed at the Wisconsin State Capitol. During the initial design phases it was determined that the appropriate repair for many granite distress conditions could not be determined without close access to the building. Therefore, the State agreed to an approach where individual repairs could be designed by the A/E during construction as access became available. By combining digital photography and computer-aided drafting, it was possible to conduct a detailed survey, design the repairs, and provide repair sketches to the contractor as construction proceeded.

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