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ASTM Selected Technical Papers

Bench Testing of Industrial Fluid Lubrication and Wear Properties Used in Machinery Applications

GE Totten, PhD
GE Totten, PhD
Union Carbide Corporation
Tarrytown, New York Symposium Chairman and Editor
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LD Wedeven, PhD
LD Wedeven, PhD
Wedeven Associates Inc.
Edgemont, Pennsylvania Symposium Chairman and Editor
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M Anderson
M Anderson
Falex Corporation
Sugar Grove, Illinois Symposium Chairman and Editor
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JR Dickey
JR Dickey
Lubricants Consultants
Basking Ridge New Jersey Symposium Chairman and Editor
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No. of Pages:
ASTM International
Publication date:

STP 1404 addresses various aspects of bench test selections and limitations, along with lubrication and wear simulations. Bench tests are commonly used to evaluate the lubrication and wear properties of industrial fluids when used in various types of machinery. They are often used without any validation of the lubrication and wear properties obtained in the machinery being modeled -- this has been a long-standing problem in the lubricants industry. This book attempts to address this problem.

23 peer-reviewed papers cover:

Problems of Bench Testing--discusses various difficulties associated with bench test selection, particularly as the test results correlate with equipment lubrication. Some suggestions to address equipment lubrication correlation problems are: selection of appropriate test conditions, development of custom-made test equipment, and use of lubrication and wear simulations to identify appropriate test conditions.

Bench Tests and Test Development--examines proper design considerations and model validations to successfully apply bench tests in lubrication and wear analysis.

Analysis--addresses a wide range of methodologies for evaluation of bench test results. These include examination of experimental test parameters, detection of boundary and EHD lubrication transitions, wear mode identification by debris analysis, and the utility of tribological aspect numbers.

Modeling and Simulation--outlines the value and necessity of experimental simulation of tribological performance to properly evaluate machinery lubrication and wear problems.

Table of Contents

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