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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Eighth Volume
TC Chou,
TC Chou
BOC Group Inc.
?Murray Hill, New Jersey Symposium chairman and editor
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WT Royals,
WT Royals
United Technologies-Pratt and Whitney
?West Palm Beach, Florida Symposium chairman and editor
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TA Steinberg
TA Steinberg
3Mechanical Engineering Department
The University of Queensland
?Brisbane, Queensland,
Symposium chairman and editor
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ASTM International
Publication date:
eBook Chapter
Factors Affecting the Reproducibility of Upward Propagation Pressure Thresholds of Metals in Gaseous Oxygen
CF Key
CF Key
Deputy Director of Materials and Processes Laboratory, Materials Engineer and Team Leader of Environmental Chemistry and Compatibility
, respectively, NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center
, AL 35812
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FS Lowery
FS Lowery
Deputy Director of Materials and Processes Laboratory, Materials Engineer and Team Leader of Environmental Chemistry and Compatibility
, respectively, NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center
, AL 35812
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SP Darby
SP Darby
Deputy Director of Materials and Processes Laboratory, Materials Engineer and Team Leader of Environmental Chemistry and Compatibility
, respectively, NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center
, AL 35812
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RS Libb
RS Libb
Lead Materials Engineer
, Native American Services, Marshall Space Flight Center
, AL 35812
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Page Count:
Key, C, Lowery, F, Darby, S, & Libb, R. "Factors Affecting the Reproducibility of Upward Propagation Pressure Thresholds of Metals in Gaseous Oxygen." Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Eighth Volume. Ed. Chou, T, Royals, W, & Steinberg, T. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 : ASTM International, 1997.
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The results of an investigation into the reproducibility of promoted combustion test data for various metallic materials are presented. Tests were conducted in the promoted combustion test fixtures at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, in gaseous oxygen at pressures from 0.7 MPa to 68.9 MPa. The tests were conducted using circular and square crosssection samples. The effects of sample size on pressure threshold reproducibility are discussed also.
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