Manufacture and Properties of Continuous Grain Flow Crankshafts for Locomotive and Power Generation Diesel Engines
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The bulk of the large crankshaft production volume is associated with the medium speed diesel engine market These engines have seen intense development to sustain higher power outputs without change in the physical size of the crankshaft and at the same time there has been continuing pressure to reduce costs. Fatigue and bearing journal wear are the major technical hurdles that threaten the crankshaft life, and measures for dealing with these issues are described. Continuous grain flow (CGF) crankshafts are responsible for the continued integrity of these enhanced power output engines and the production of these crankshafts is described. Comparisons are made with the older slab forging crankshaft production method. The demand for the medium speed diesel engine and its natural gas derivative is strong and supports an aggressive engine building industry serving locomotive, marine and power generation markets. This demand in turn relies on practical national standards that serve the needs of the engine builder, material supplier and the end user