Subsurface Fluid-Flow (Ground-Water and Vadose Zone) Modeling
STP 1288 is the first publication of its kind featuring newly developed techniques and guidance for simulating water, air and contaminant movement in subsurface water resources.
Papers are presented in an order consistent with the procedures for conducting a model application, making this volume easy to use. A comprehensive glossary of ground-water modeling terminology is included.
24 peer-reviewed papers cover the following comprehensive topics:
Evaluation of Modeling -- Four papers explore a full range of concerns from the difficulty of ground-water modeling, to recommendations for future standards rectification and model codes for general use.
Conceptualization -- Successful problem solving techniques for subsurface flow problems in various hydrologic and geologic settings are explored in four papers.
Code Selection/Validation -- Four papers address alternative model codes and how to best fit objectives with the conceptual model chosen.
Model Design and Construction -- The diversity of codes and applications, and how best to establish the model grid, boundary conditions and conduct sufficient simulations are addressed in six papers.
Calibration -- Two papers examine how to adjust uncertain model input parameters to account for the difference between measured versus observed input.
Application Verification/Uncertainty -- Innovative techniques for verifying differing model applications are discussed in three papers.
Post Audit -- An extensive paper examines how the investigation of one site resulted in design remediation.
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Table of Contents
Evaluation of Subsurface Modeling Application at CERCLA/RCRA SitesBySB Lee,SB Lee1Senior Research Engineer,Dynamac Corporation, 3601 Oakridge Blvd.,Ada, OK 74820.Search for other works by this author on:V Ravi,V Ravi1Senior Research Engineer,Dynamac Corporation, 3601 Oakridge Blvd.,Ada, OK 74820.Search for other works by this author on:JR Williams,JR Williams2Research Scientist,U.S.EPA, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Subsurface Protection and Remediation Division., P.O. Box 1198,Ada, OK 74820.Search for other works by this author on:DS BurdenDS Burden2Research Scientist,U.S.EPA, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Subsurface Protection and Remediation Division., P.O. Box 1198,Ada, OK 74820.Search for other works by this author on:
Good Model-Bad Model, Understanding The Flow Modeling ProcessByWW Woessner,WW Woessner1Professor, Department of Geology,University of Montana,Missoula, MT., 59812Search for other works by this author on:MP AndersonMP Anderson2Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics,University of Wisconsin-Madison,Madison, WI 53706Search for other works by this author on:
Reducing Modeling Uncertainty Using ASTM Ground-Water Modeling StandardsByDM BrownDM Brown1Project Manager,Weavertown Environmental Group,206 Weavertown Road, Canonsburg, PA 15317.Search for other works by this author on:
Documentation of Ground-Water Models in Relationship to National Digital Geospatial Metadata StandardsByDT HansenDT Hansen1GIS Specialist and soil scientist, Mid Pacific Region,U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,Sacramento, CA 95825-1898Search for other works by this author on:
Conceptualization and Characterization of Ground-Water Flow SystemsByKE Kolm,KE Kolm1Colorado School of Mines, Div. of Environmental Science and Eng.,Golden, CO 80401Search for other works by this author on:PKM van der Heijde,PKM van der Heijde2Colorado School of Mines, Int. Ground Water Modeling Center,Golden, CO 80401Search for other works by this author on:JS Downey,JS Downey3Downey and Gutentag LLC,6301 Eldridge, Arvada, CO 80004Search for other works by this author on:ED GutentagED Gutentag4Downey and Gutentag LLC,2033 Yank Way, Lakewood, CO 80228Search for other works by this author on:
Conceptual Modeling of a Well-Developed Alluvial BasinByD Williams,D Williams1CH2M HILL,1111 Broadway, Suite 1200,Oakland, CA 94607Search for other works by this author on:NM Johnson,NM Johnson1CH2M HILL,1111 Broadway, Suite 1200,Oakland, CA 94607Search for other works by this author on:AC FowlerAC Fowler2Santa Clara Valley Water District,5750 Almaden Expressway, San Jose, CA 95118Search for other works by this author on:
Recharge of Valley-Fill Aquifers in the Glaciated Northeast from Upland RunoffByJH Williams,JH Williams1Hydrologist,U.S. Geological Survey,425 Jordan Road, Troy, NY 12180.Search for other works by this author on:DJ MorrisseyDJ Morrissey2Principal,McDonald Morrissey Associates, P.O. Box 180,Hopkintown, NH 03229.Search for other works by this author on:
The Applicability of Numerical Models to Adequately Characterize Ground-Water Flow in Karstic and Other Triple-Porosity AquifersByJF Quinlan,JF Quinlan1(1937–1995)Principal Hydrogeologist,Quinlan & Associates Inc.,Nashville, TN,USASearch for other works by this author on:GJ Davies,GJ Davies2Principal Hydrogeologist,Cambrian Ground Water Co.,109 Dixie Lane, Oak Ridge, TN 37830,USASearch for other works by this author on:SW Jones,SW Jones3Adjunct Professor, Department of Geology,Southern Illinois University,Carbondale, IL 62901,USASearch for other works by this author on:PW HuntoonPW Huntoon4Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics;University of Wyoming,Laramie, WY 82071,USASearch for other works by this author on:
Spreadsheet Solution Method for Groundwater Flow ProblemsByPJ FoxPJ Fox1Assistant professor, School of Civil Engineering,Purdue University,West Lafayette, IN 47907.Search for other works by this author on:
Method/Model Comparison for Wellhead Protection Area Delineation for a New Jersey SiteBySR Green,SR Green1Senior Hydrogeologist and Groundwater Modeler, Hydrogeology,First Environment, Inc.90 Riverdale Road Riverdale, New Jersey 07457.Search for other works by this author on:R DorrlerR Dorrler2Technical Director of Hydrogeology,First Environment, Inc.90 Riverdale Road Riverdale, New Jersey 07457.Search for other works by this author on:
Verification Tests for Contaminant Transport CodesByRK Rowe,RK Rowe1Professor and Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering,University of Western Ontario,London,.CanadaN6A 5B9Search for other works by this author on:P NadarajahP Nadarajah2Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering,University of Western Ontario,.CanadaN6A 5B9Search for other works by this author on:
Model Validation and Uncertainty Analysis — An Example Using a Nitrate Percolation ModelByMC MummertMC Mummert1Group Manager,R. E. Wright Environmental, Inc.,3240 Schoolhouse Road, Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057.Search for other works by this author on:
Department of Defense Groundwater Modeling Program: An OverviewByJP HollandJP Holland1Manager, Groundwater Modeling Program, and Research Hydraulic Engineer,U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,Vicksburg, MS 39180.Search for other works by this author on:
Groundwater Modeling Using an Integrated Large-Capacity Finite-Element Model for Multiple Aquifer Groundwater FlowByA Eddebbarh, Ph.D.,A Eddebbarh, Ph.D.1Senior consultant,CH2M HILL Environmental Division,6060 S. Willow Drive, Englewood, CO 80111-5142Search for other works by this author on:F Carlson,F Carlson2Senior consultant,CH2M HILL Environmental Division,2525 Airport Drive, Redding, CA 86001-2443Search for other works by this author on:CJ Hemker, Ph.D.CJ Hemker, Ph.D.3President,Hemker & Associates,Elandsgracht 83 1016 TR Amsterdam,. Fax No. 31-20-6228711.The NetherlandsSearch for other works by this author on:
Development of a Graphical User Interface in GIS Raster Format for the Finite Difference Ground-Water Model Code, ModflowByT Heinzer,T Heinzer1Consulting GIS Analyst, MPGIS Service Center,U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,Sacramento CA.Search for other works by this author on:DT Hansen,DT Hansen2GIS Specialist/Soil Scientist,U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,Sacramento, CASearch for other works by this author on:W Greer,W Greer3Hydrologist,U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,Sacramento, CASearch for other works by this author on:M SebhatM Sebhat4Consulting GIS Analyst and Project Manager, MPGIS Service Center,U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,Sacramento CA.Search for other works by this author on:
Design of Fate and Transport Modeling for US EPA Risk AssessmentsByEG McNulty,EG McNulty1Manager, Engineering,IT Corporation,Cincinnati, Ohio 45246Search for other works by this author on:WA Mossbarger, Jr,WA Mossbarger, Jr2President,FMSM Engineers, Inc.,Lexington, Kentucky 40511Search for other works by this author on:WS VersluisWS Versluis3Manager, Geotechnical Engineering, Parsons,Cincinnati, Ohio 45246Search for other works by this author on:
Tools to Improve Models for Design and Assessment of Soil Vapor Extraction SystemsByGA Thrupp,GA Thrupp1Senior Hydrogeologist, Principal Hydrogeologist, and Principal Geological Engineer, respectively,Geomatrix Consultants, Inc., 100 Pine St,San Francisco, CA 94111.Search for other works by this author on:JD Gallinatti,JD Gallinatti1Senior Hydrogeologist, Principal Hydrogeologist, and Principal Geological Engineer, respectively,Geomatrix Consultants, Inc., 100 Pine St,San Francisco, CA 94111.Search for other works by this author on:KA JohnsonKA Johnson1Senior Hydrogeologist, Principal Hydrogeologist, and Principal Geological Engineer, respectively,Geomatrix Consultants, Inc., 100 Pine St,San Francisco, CA 94111.Search for other works by this author on:
Numerical Simulation of an Air Sparging Field TestByPD Lundegard,PD Lundegard1Research Associate, Environmental Technology Group,Unocal Corp.,Brea, CA, 92621Search for other works by this author on:G AndersenG Andersen2Research Associate, Production Technology Group,Unocal Corp.,Brea, CA, 92621Search for other works by this author on:
Automated Calibration of a Three-Dimensional Ground Water Flow ModelByFG Baker,FG Baker1President and Consulting Hydrogeologist,Baker Consultants, Inc., 2801 Youngfield Street, Suite 310,Golden, CO 80401.Search for other works by this author on:X Guo,X Guo2Senior Engineer and Principal Engineer, respectively,Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp., 143 South Union Boulevard, Suite 1010,Lakewood, CO 80229.Search for other works by this author on:D ZigichD Zigich2Senior Engineer and Principal Engineer, respectively,Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp., 143 South Union Boulevard, Suite 1010,Lakewood, CO 80229.Search for other works by this author on:
Mirror Figure of Merit (MFM): An Alternative Measure of Groundwater Model Calibration ErrorByAD Laase,AD Laase1Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2567,Grand Junction, CO 81502Search for other works by this author on:JR DavidsonJR Davidson1Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2567,Grand Junction, CO 81502Search for other works by this author on:
Modelling Groundwater Source Catchments in The UK: Implementation and Review of A Qualitative Method for Representing Uncertainty.ByMM Fermor,MM Fermor1Environmental Manager,Water Management Consultants Ltd,2/3 Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury SY1 1UT.Search for other works by this author on:BL Morris,BL Morris2Principal Hydrogeologist,National Rivers Authority, Groundwater Centre,Sapphire East, 550 Streetsbrook Road, Solihull, West Midlands B91 1QTSearch for other works by this author on:SW FletcherSW Fletcher3Senior Hydrogeologist,NRA, Severn Trent Region,Sapphire East, 440 Streetsbrook Road, Solihull, West Midlands B91 1QTSearch for other works by this author on:
Verification of A Groundwater Flow Model Application Using Recovery Data and Infiltration TestsByJA Johnson,JA Johnson1Vice President,Environmental Systems & Technologies, Inc.,2608 Sheffield Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060-8270Search for other works by this author on:DJ WeimerDJ Weimer2Environmental Coordinator, Centreville, VA 2202Search for other works by this author on:
Geostatistical Analysis of Hydraulic Conductivity of the Upper Santa Fe Group , Albuquerque Basin, New MexicoByGJ RuskauffGJ Ruskauff1Project Hydrogeologist,INTERA Inc.,1650 University Blvd. NE, Suite 300, Albuquerque, NM 87102Search for other works by this author on:
A Postaudit of Groundwater Plow Models Used in Design of A Groondwater Capture/Containment SystemByJD Weaver,JD Weaver1Hydrogeologist,Harding Lawson Associates,707 Seventeenth Street, Suite 2400, Denver, Colorado 80202Search for other works by this author on:RK Digel,RK Digel1Hydrogeologist,Harding Lawson Associates,707 Seventeenth Street, Suite 2400, Denver, Colorado 80202Search for other works by this author on:PV RosascoPV Rosasco2Hydrogeologist/Civil Engineer,Engineering Management Support, Inc.,Golden, Colorado 80401Search for other works by this author on: