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ASTM Selected Technical Papers

Subsurface Fluid-Flow (Ground-Water and Vadose Zone) Modeling

JD Ritchey
JD Ritchey
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JO Rumbaugh
JO Rumbaugh
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No. of Pages:
ASTM International
Publication date:

STP 1288 is the first publication of its kind featuring newly developed techniques and guidance for simulating water, air and contaminant movement in subsurface water resources.

Papers are presented in an order consistent with the procedures for conducting a model application, making this volume easy to use. A comprehensive glossary of ground-water modeling terminology is included.

24 peer-reviewed papers cover the following comprehensive topics:

Evaluation of Modeling -- Four papers explore a full range of concerns from the difficulty of ground-water modeling, to recommendations for future standards rectification and model codes for general use.

Conceptualization -- Successful problem solving techniques for subsurface flow problems in various hydrologic and geologic settings are explored in four papers.

Code Selection/Validation -- Four papers address alternative model codes and how to best fit objectives with the conceptual model chosen.

Model Design and Construction -- The diversity of codes and applications, and how best to establish the model grid, boundary conditions and conduct sufficient simulations are addressed in six papers.

Calibration -- Two papers examine how to adjust uncertain model input parameters to account for the difference between measured versus observed input.

Application Verification/Uncertainty -- Innovative techniques for verifying differing model applications are discussed in three papers.

Post Audit -- An extensive paper examines how the investigation of one site resulted in design remediation.

Table of Contents

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