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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Dynamic Geotechnical Testing II
RJ Ebelhar,
RJ Ebelhar
?11785 Highway Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45241
; symposium chairman and editor
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VP Drnevich,
VP Drnevich
Purdue University
?1284 Civil Engineering Building, West Lafayette, IN 47907
; symposium co-chairman and editor
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BL Kutter
BL Kutter
University of California
Department of Civil Engineering, Davis, CA 95616
; symposium co-chairman and editor
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ASTM International
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eBook Chapter
Laboratory Measurement of Dynamic Soil Properties
RD Woods
RD Woods
, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan
, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2125
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Woods, R. "Laboratory Measurement of Dynamic Soil Properties." Dynamic Geotechnical Testing II. Ed. Ebelhar, R, Drnevich, V, & Kutter, B. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 : ASTM International, 1994.
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Recent developments and trends in laboratory testing for dynamic properties of soils are described. Significant prior publications dedicated to dynamic soil properties are cited. Two major advancements in dynamic soil property measurement are highlighted, namely: Combined cyclic torsional shear and resonant column, and wave propagation velocity measurements with bender elements.
, A.
, Chameau
, J.L.
and Leonards
, G.A.
), “A New Apparatus for Investigating The Stress-Strain Characteristics of Sands
,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, GTJODJ
, Vol. 9
, No. 4
, Dec., pp. 204–212.2.
, L.
), “Dynamic Behavior of Soils Partially Grouted by Foaming Process
,” A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Civil Engineering), University of Michigan
, 239 p.3.
, S.K.
and Tatsuoka
, F.
), “A Hollow Cylinder Torsional Simple Shear Apparatus Capable of a Wide Range of Shear Strain Measurement
,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, GTJODJ
, Vol. 16
, No. 1
, March, pp. 3–17.4.
), Dynamic Geotechnical Testing
, ASTM STP 654, Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by ASTM, Denver
, June 28, Silver
, editor, 398 pp.5.
), Laboratory Shear Strength of Soil
, ASTM STP 740, Proceedings of an ASTM symposium, Chicago
, 25 June, Yong
and Townsend
editors, 717 pp.6.
, S.K.
and Blaney
, G.W.
[editors] (1991
), Recent Advances in Instrumentation, Data Acquisition and Testing in Soil Dynamics
, Proceedings of a session at the Orlando Convention, ASCE
, October, 21, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 29, 136 pp.7.
, R.W.
, Chan
, C.K.
, Seed
, H.B.
, Seed
and Sousa
, J.
), “A Low-Compliance Bi-Directional Cyclic Simple Shear Apparatus
,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, GTJODJ
, Vol. 16
, No. 1
, March, pp. 36–45.8.
, J.B.
), “Small is Beautiful--the Stiffness of Soils at Small Strains
,” The Ninth Laurits Bjerrum Memorial Lecture, Canadian Geotechnical Journal
0008-3674, Vol. 26
, pp. 499–515.9.
, C.K.
), “An Electropneumatic Cyclic Loading System
,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM
, Vol. 4
, No. 4
, pp. 183–187.10.
de Alba
, P.
, Seed
, H.B.
, and Chan
, C.K.
), “Sand Liquefaction in Large-Scale Simple Shear Tests
,” Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE
0093-6405, Vol. 102
, No. GT9
, Sept. pp. 909–927.11.
, V.P.
), “Effect of Strain History on the Dynamic Properties of Sand
, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan
, 151 pp.12.
, V.P.
), “Undrained Cyclic Shear of Saturated Sand
,” Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, ASCE
0044-7994, Vol. 98
, No. 8
, Aug. pp. 807–825.13.
, V.P.
), “Recent Developments in Resonant Column Testing
,” Richart Commemorative Lectures, ASCE Detroit Convention, October 24, Woods
R. D.
Editor, pp. 79–107.14.
, V.P.
, Hall
, J.R.
, Jr. and Richart
, F.E.
, Jr., (1987
), “Effects of Amplitude of Vibration on the Shear Modulus of Sand
,” Proc. International Symposium on Wave Propagation and Dynamic Properties of Earth Materials
, Albuquerque, N.M.
, R.
and Madshus
, C.
), “Lab Measurements of Gmax Using Bender Elements
,” Advances in the Art of Testing Soils Under Cyclic Conditions, Proceedings of a session sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE Detroit Convention
, Oct. 24, Khosla
, Editor, pp. 186–196.16.
, D.J.
and Ray
, R.P.
), Resilient Moduli of Soils: Laboratory Conditions
, Proceedings of a session sponsored by Geotechnical Engineering Division ASCE at New Orleans Convention, October 10, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 24, 71 p.17.
, W.D.L.
), “Aspects of Constant Volume Cyclic Simple Shear
,” Advances in the Art of Testing Soils Under Cyclic Conditions
, Proceedings of a session sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE Detroit Convention, Oct. 24, Khosia
, Editor, pp. 74–98.18.
, W.D.L.
and Vaid
, Y.P.
), “Liquefaction Potential from Drained Constant Volume Cyclic Simple Shear Tests
,” Proceedings, 6th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
, New Delhi
, J.D.
and Drnevich
, V.P.
), “Towards Standardization of Torsional Shear Testing
,” Dynamic Geotechnical Testing II
, ASTM STP 1213, Ebelhar
Ronald J.
, Drnevich
Vincent P.
and Kutter
Bruce L.
, Eds.20.
, K.P.
), “Resilient Testing of Soils Using Gratory Testing Machine
,” Transportation Research Record 1369
, TRB, National Research Council
, Washington, D.C.
, pp. 63–71.21.
, J.R.
Jr., and Richart
, F.E.
Jr., (1963
), “Dissipation of Elastic Wave Energy in Granular Soils
,” J. Soil Mech. and Found. Div. ASCE
0044-7994, Vol. 89
, No. SM6
, Nov., pp. 27–56.22.
, B.O.
and Drnevich
, V.P.
), “Shear Modulus and Damping in Soils: Measurement and Parameter Effects
,” Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, ASCE
0044-7994, Vol. 98
, No. 6
, June, pp. 603–624.23.
, K.O.
, Drnevich
, V.P.
, Wang
, J.
, and Sams
, C.E.
), “Resonant Column Testing at Pressures up to 3.5 MPa (500 psi)
”, Dynamic Geotechnical Testing II, ASTM STP 1213
, Ebelhar
Ronald J.
, Drnevich
Vincent P.
, and Kutter
Bruce L.
, Eds.24.
, B.O.
and Black
, W.L.
), “Sand Stiffness Under Various Triaxial Stresses
,” J. Soil Mech. and Found. Div. ASCE
0044-7994, Vol. 92
, No. SM 2
, March, pp. 27–42.25.
, B.O.
and Richart
, F.E.
, Jr., (1963
), “Elastic Wave Velocities in Granular Soils
,” J. Soil Mech and Found. Div. ASCE
0044-7994, Vol. 89
, No. 1
, SM 1, Feb., pp. 33–65.26.
, D.W.
, Gens
, A.
, and Symes
, M.J.
, (1983
), “The Development of a New Hollow Cylinder Apparatus for Investigating the Effects of Principal Stress Rotation in Soils
, Geotechnique
0016-8505, Vol. 33
, No. 4
, Dec. pp. 355–383.27.
, R.D.
), Private Communcation.28.
, W.M.
, Stokoe
, K.H.
II and Allen
, J.C.
), “Instrumentation for Torsional Shear/Resonant Column Measurements Under Anisotropic Stresses
,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM GTJOGD
, Vol. 10
, No. 4
, Dec., pp. 183–191.29.
, I.
, Kawamura
, M.
and Bhatia
, S.K.
), “Torsional Simple Shear Apparatus for Drained and Undrained Cyclic Testing
,” Advances in the Art of Testing Soils Under Cyclic Conditions
, Proceedings of a session sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE Detroit Convention, Oct. 24, Khosla
, Editor, pp. 51–73.30.
, K.
and Nagase
, H.
), “Multi-Directional Irregular Loading Tests on Sand
,” Advances in the Art of Testing Soils Under Cyclic Conditions
, Proceedings of a session sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE Detroit Convention, Oct. 24, Khosia
, Editor, pp. 99–119.31.
, R.J.
, Potts
, D.M.
, A.B.
, and Burland
, J.B.
), “Studies of the Influence of Non-linear Stress-Strain Characteristics in Soil-Structure Interaction
,” Geotechnique
0016-8505, Vol. 36
, No. 3
, pp. 377–396.32.
, V.
[editor] (1985
), Advances in the Art of Testing Soils Under Cyclic Conditions
, Proceedings of a session sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE at Detroit Convention, Oct. 24, 289pp.33.
, D-S
and Stokoe
, K.H.
II (1992
), “Characterization of Resilient Modulus of Compacted Subgrade Soils Using Resonant Column and Torsional Shear Tests
,” Transportation Research Record #1369, Advances in Geotechnical Engineering
, pp. 83–90.34.
, R.S.
and Dutko
, P.
), “Small Strain Measurements Using Triaxial Apparatus
, ” Advances in the Art of Testing Soils Under Cyclic Condition
, Proceedings of a session sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE Detroit Convention
, Oct. 24, Khosla
, Editor, pp. 148–165.35.
, F.V.
), Propagation Velocity of Ultrasonic Waves Through Sand
,” MIT Research Report R63-8, March36.
, X.S.
, Chan
, C.K.
and Shen
, C.K.
), “An Automated Triaxial Testing System
,” Advanced Triaxial Testing of Soil and Rock
, ASTM STP 977, Donaghe
Robert T.
, Chaney
Ronald C.
, and Silver
Marshall L.
, Editors, American Society for Testing and Materials
, Philadelphia
, pp. 95–106.37.
, S.
, Toki
, S.
and Tatsuoka
, F.
), “Cyclic Undrained Triaxial behavior of Sand by a Cooperative Test Program in Japan
,” Dynamic Geotechnical Testing II, ASTM STP 1213
, Ebelhar
Ronald J.
, Drnevich
Vincent P.
, and Kutter
Bruce L.
, Eds.38.
, L.N.
, Puppala
, A.J.
, and Alavilli
, P.
), “Effect of Instrumentation On Resilient Modulus of Sands
,” Dynamic Geotechnical Testing II, ASTM STP 1213
, Ebelhar
Ronald J.
, Drnevich
Vincent P.
, and Kutter
Bruce L.
, Eds.39.
and Allely
, B.H.
), “Volume Changes During Undrained Triaxial Tests on Saturated Dilatant Granular Materials
, Geotechnique
0016-8505, Vol. 9.
, No. 4
, pp. 174–182.40.
, P.G.
and Seed
, R.B.
), “A Laboratory Correction Method for Liquefaction Testing of Coarse Gravelly Soils
,” Dynamic Geotechnical Testing II, ASTM STP 1213
, Ebelhar
Ronald J.
, Drnevich
Vincent P.
, and Kutter
Bruce L.
, Eds.41.
, R.F.
and Hudson
, W.R.
), “Test Comparisons of Laboratory and Field Measurements of Resilient Modulus of Non-Granular Materials
,” Dynamic Geotechnical Testing II, ASTM STP 1213
, Ebelhar
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, Drnevich
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, and Kutter
Bruce L.
, Eds.42.
, S.
[editor] (1981
), Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
, University of Missouri-Rolla
, St. Louis, Mo.
, April 26–May 3, 1280.43.
, S.
[editor] (1991
), Proceedings of Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
, University of Missouri-Rolla
, St. Louis, MO.
, March 11–15, 1980 pp.44.
, R.P.
), “Changes in Shear Modulus and Damping in Cohesionless Soils Due to Repeated Loading
,” Ph.D. Dissertation Univ. of Michigan
, A.S.
), “On Cyclic Testing With Thin Long Hollow Cylinders
,” Advances in the Art of Testing Soils Under Cyclic Conditions
, Proceedings of a session sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE Detroit Convention
, Oct. 24, Khosia
, Editor, pp. 1–28.46.
, A.S.
and Townsend
, F.C.
), “State-of-the-Art: Laboratory Strength Testing of Soils
,” Laboratory Shear Strength of Soil, ASTM STP 740
, pp. 7–77.47.
, J.H.
), “Effect of Shear Stress on Dynamic Bulk Modulus of Sand
,” U.S. Army Engineering Waterways Experiment Station
, Technical Report S-78-16, 92 pp.48.
, H.B.
. and Peacock
, W.H.
), “Test Procedure for Measuring Soil Liquefaction of Sands
,” Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE
0093-6405, Vol. 97
, No. SM8
, Aug., pp. 1099–1119.49.
, H.B.
and Lee
, K.L.
), “Liquefaction of Saturated Sands During Cyclic Loading
,” J. Soil Mech. and Found Div. ASCE
0044-7994, Vol. 92
, No. SM 6
, Nov., pp. 105–134.50.
Seiken, Inc.
), Cyclic Simple Shear Test Apparatus
, Equipment advertisement, Tokyo International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering.51.
, K.H.
, II and Lodde
, P.F.
) “Dynamic Response of San Francisco Mud
,” Proceedings, Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, ASCE, Geotech. Engrg. Div. Specialty Conference, Vol. II
, Pasadena, California
, June, PP. 940–959.52.
, K.H.
II, Lee
, S.H.H.
and Knox
), “Shear Moduli Measurements Under True Triaxial Stresses
,” Advances in the Art of Testing Soils Under Cyclic Conditions
, Proceedings of a session sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE Detroit Convention, Oct. 24, Khosla
, Editor, pp. 166–185.53.
, Y.K.
[editor] (1991
) Proceedings: NSF/EPRI Workshop on Dynamic Soil Properties and Site Characterization
, Research Project 810-14, prepared by CH2M Hill, Bellevue, Washington.54.
, F.
, Teachavorasinskun
, S.
, Dong
, J.
, Y.
, and Sato
, T.
), “Importance of Measuring Local Strains, in Cyclic Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials
,” Dynamic Geotechnical Testing II, ASTM STP 1213
, Ebelhar
Ronald J.
, Drnevich
Vincent P.
, and Kutter
Bruce L.
, eds.55.
, T.G.
and Hryciw
, R.D.
), “Laboratory Measurement of Small Strain Modulus Under Ko Conditions
,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, GTJODJ, ASTM
, Vol. 13
, No. 2
, June, pp. 79–105.56.
, F.C.
and Norris
, G.M.
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), Soil Properties Evaluation from Centrifugal Models and Field Performance
, Proceedings of a session sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE at Nashville Convention, May 10, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 17, 158pp.57.
, T.
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) “Fundamentals of Resilient Modulus Testing
,” Proceedings, Workshop on Resilient Modulus Testing State of the Practices
, Oregon State University
, Corvallis, Oregon
, March.58.
, R.V.
and Arulanandan
, K.
), “Centrifuge Model Testing with Dynamic Cyclic Loads
,” Advances in the Art of Testing Soils Under Cyclic Conditions
, Proceedings of a session sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE Detroit Convention, Oct. 24, Khosla
Editor, pp. 255–285.59.
, R.D.
), “Measurement of Dynamic Soil Properties
” Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Conference
, Geotechnical Engineering Division Specialty Conference, ASCE
, Pasadena, CA
Vol. 1
, pp. 91–178.60.
, R.D.
[editor] (1985
), Richart Commemorative Lectures
, Proceedings of a session sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division at ASCE Detroit convention, October 23, 157 pp..61.
, R.D.
), “Field and Laboratory Determination of Soil; Properties at Low and High Strains
,” Proceedings: Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
, March 11–15, St. Louis, MO.
, Vol. 2
, pp. 1727–1741.62.
, R.D.
and Henke
, R.
), Seismic Techniques in the Laboratory
,” Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE
0093-6405, Vol. 107
, No. GT 10
, Oct., pp 1309–1325.
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