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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Life Prediction Methodologies and Data for Ceramic Materials
CR Brinkman,
CR Brinkman
Martin Marietta Energy Systems
; Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6154
; symposium chairman and editor
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SF Duffy
SF Duffy
Cleveland State University
, Cleveland, OH 44115
; symposium chairman and editor
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ASTM International
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eBook Chapter
A Comparative Study of Existing and Newly Proposed Models for Creep Deformation and Life Prediction of Si3N4
J-L Ding
J-L Ding
Associate Professor
, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Washington State University
, Pullman, WA 99164-2920
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KC Liu
KC Liu
Senior Scientist and Group Leader
, respectively, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
, Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge, TN 37831
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CR Brinkman
CR Brinkman
Senior Scientist and Group Leader
, respectively, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
, Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge, TN 37831
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Page Count:
Ding, J, Liu, K, & Brinkman, C. "A Comparative Study of Existing and Newly Proposed Models for Creep Deformation and Life Prediction of Si3N4." Life Prediction Methodologies and Data for Ceramic Materials. Ed. Brinkman, C, & Duffy, S. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 : ASTM International, 1994.
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This paper summarizes recent experimental results, obtained at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), on creep behavior and creep rupture of a commercial grade of Si3N4 ceramic in the temperature range of 1150°C to 1300°C. A uniaxial model capable of describing the behavior under general thermomechanical loading is introduced and compared with existing models. An exploratory extension of the new model to a multiaxial form is then discussed. Issues are also discussed concerning the standardization of data analysis methodology and future research needs in the area related to development of creep database and life prediction methodology for high temperature structural ceramics.
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