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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Science and Technology of Building Seals, Sealants, Glazing, and Waterproofing: Second Volume
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ASTM International
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eBook Chapter
Use of the Constrained Blister Test to Study Sealant Adhesion
JM Klosowski
JM Klosowski
1Mr. Klosowski is a
research scientist
and Mr. Dent an associate project chemist at the Dow Corning Corporation, 2200 Salzburg Rd., Auburn, MI, 48686-0994
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SJ Dent
SJ Dent
1Mr. Klosowski is a
research scientist
and Mr. Dent an associate project chemist at the Dow Corning Corporation, 2200 Salzburg Rd., Auburn, MI, 48686-0994
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Page Count:
Klosowski, J, & Dent, S. "Use of the Constrained Blister Test to Study Sealant Adhesion." Science and Technology of Building Seals, Sealants, Glazing, and Waterproofing: Second Volume. Ed. Klosowski, J. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 : ASTM International, 1992.
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An attempt was made to modify the constrained blister test as designed and reported by Dr. David A. Dillard of Virginia Polytech. (VPI) and independently by Dr. A. (Sam) Moet of Case-Western Reserve Univ. to apply to sealants. The test device is detailed and modifications of the device to make it applicable to mullions and samples collected from the field are explained. Variables such as sealant thickness, distance between sealant and the constraining plate and the rate of pressure were also studied. The data from the constrained blister is compared to the peel test and the lap shear test. Lastly the validity of the test modifications as indicated are discussed.
, Chudnovsky
, and Moet
, J. Adhesion Sci. Technol.
, Vol. 2
, No. 4
, 311–323, (1988
, , Dillard
D. A.
, J. Adhesion
, Vol. 31
, 172–189, (1990
Annual book of ASTM Standards
, Section 4: Construction
, vol. 04.07
, (1989
, “Sealants in Construction
”, Marcel Decker, Inc
, N.Y.
, (1989
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