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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Acoustic Emission: Current Practice and Future Directions
K Yamaguchi,
K Yamaguchi
University of Tokyo
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J Roget
J Roget
Nordon & Cie
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ASTM International
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eBook Chapter
Tool Monitoring by Acoustic Emission
J Roget
J Roget
1J. Roget directs the , P. Souquet and M. Deschamps are
Test and Physical Measurements group of the CETIM
, B.P. 67, 60304 Senlis
Cedex, France
in this group. N. Gsib is a graduate student
preparing a doctorate.
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P Souquet
P Souquet
1J. Roget directs the , P. Souquet and M. Deschamps are
Test and Physical Measurements group of the CETIM
, B.P. 67, 60304 Senlis
Cedex, France
in this group. N. Gsib is a graduate student
preparing a doctorate.
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M Deschamps
M Deschamps
1J. Roget directs the , P. Souquet and M. Deschamps are
Test and Physical Measurements group of the CETIM
, B.P. 67, 60304 Senlis
Cedex, France
in this group. N. Gsib is a graduate student
preparing a doctorate.
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N Gsib
N Gsib
1J. Roget directs the , P. Souquet and M. Deschamps are
Test and Physical Measurements group of the CETIM
, B.P. 67, 60304 Senlis
Cedex, France
in this group. N. Gsib is a graduate student
preparing a doctorate.
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Page Count:
Roget, J, Souquet, P, Deschamps, M, & Gsib, N. "Tool Monitoring by Acoustic Emission." Acoustic Emission: Current Practice and Future Directions. Ed. Sachse, W, Yamaguchi, K, & Roget, J. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 : ASTM International, 1991.
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Monitoring cutting tools is a strong need in automated un-manned production systems. However tool breakage detection should be separated from tool wear monitoring. The works presented in this paper show that Acoustic Emission (AE) can be used for detecting tool breakage in most conditions and an industrial system is available. Tool wear monitoring is much more complex. As demonstrated by some results in turning and milling, there are a great number of influencing parameters. It appears that AE has also capabilities for tool wear monitoring but no industrial system is presently available. Expert system or intelligent system such as Neural Networks using multiparameter appear to be the best solution for the future.
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