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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Air Change Rate and Airtightness in Buildings
MH Sherman
MH Sherman
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California
Berkeley, CA, 94720
editor and symposium chairman
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ASTM International
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The Northwest Residential Infiltration Survey (NORIS) was a field study conducted in the Pacific Northwest to determine air leakage rates and infiltration characteristics of electrically heated, single-family, detached residences. Air leakage rates were measured using fan pressurization (blower door) techniques. The results of the blower door tests were used to estimate the natural building air infiltration rates.

A detailed set of measurement protocols based on the ASTM Standard Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization Test (E 779-87) was developed prior to implementing the field testing. The measurement protocols were tested on two residences during a training workshop by five independent blower door testing technicians. The objectives of this workshop were: (1) to instruct the technicians on the specifics of the NORIS protocols in order to develop consistency in measurement among the technicians; (2) to evaluate the ability of the technicians and their respective blower doors to measure the leakage area of an orifice plate; and (3) to compare the results of depressurization and pressurization tests.

This paper will review briefly the field protocols used during the full field measurement program and present a detailed comparison of the results of the blower door tests conducted during the workshop.

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
, “
Draft Environmental Impact Statement on New Energy-Efficient Homes Programs—Assessing Indoor Air Quality Options
,” DOE/EIS-0127,
Bonneville Power Administration
Portland, OR
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