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100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 : ASTM International, 1989.
ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Semiconductor Fabrication: Technology and Metrology
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ASTM International
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STP 990 presents 35 papers on: Silicon Crystal Growth and Epitaxial Deposition Techniques; Fabrication Technology; Micro contamination; Metallization and Interconnects; Material Defects and Gettering; and Control Charts, Standards, and Specifications.
Gupta, D.
Semiconductor Fabrication: Technology and Metrology. ISBN-10: 0-8031-1273-4
ISBN: 978-0-8031-1273-5
No. of Pages: 485
ISBN (electronic): 978-0-8031-5107-9
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1989
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Table of Contents
The Effect of a Rotational Magnetic Field on MCZ Crystal GrowingByK Yamashita,K Yamashita1Yamashita, Aoki and Dr.Kawata areresearch scientistsatKyushu Electronic Metal Co.,Ltd;Kohokucho, Saga,; Dr.Kobayashi isJapanresearch scientistatSumitomo Metal Industry Co.,Ltd;Amagasaki, Hyogo,; and Dr.Shiraiwa isJapanexecutive technical consultantatOsaka Titanium Co.,Ltd;Amagasaki, Hyogo,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:S Kobayashi,S Kobayashi1Yamashita, Aoki and Dr.Kawata areresearch scientistsatKyushu Electronic Metal Co.,Ltd;Kohokucho, Saga,; Dr.Kobayashi isJapanresearch scientistatSumitomo Metal Industry Co.,Ltd;Amagasaki, Hyogo,; and Dr.Shiraiwa isJapanexecutive technical consultantatOsaka Titanium Co.,Ltd;Amagasaki, Hyogo,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:T Aoki,T Aoki1Yamashita, Aoki and Dr.Kawata areresearch scientistsatKyushu Electronic Metal Co.,Ltd;Kohokucho, Saga,; Dr.Kobayashi isJapanresearch scientistatSumitomo Metal Industry Co.,Ltd;Amagasaki, Hyogo,; and Dr.Shiraiwa isJapanexecutive technical consultantatOsaka Titanium Co.,Ltd;Amagasaki, Hyogo,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:Y Kawata,Y Kawata1Yamashita, Aoki and Dr.Kawata areresearch scientistsatKyushu Electronic Metal Co.,Ltd;Kohokucho, Saga,; Dr.Kobayashi isJapanresearch scientistatSumitomo Metal Industry Co.,Ltd;Amagasaki, Hyogo,; and Dr.Shiraiwa isJapanexecutive technical consultantatOsaka Titanium Co.,Ltd;Amagasaki, Hyogo,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:T ShiraiwaT Shiraiwa1Yamashita, Aoki and Dr.Kawata areresearch scientistsatKyushu Electronic Metal Co.,Ltd;Kohokucho, Saga,; Dr.Kobayashi isJapanresearch scientistatSumitomo Metal Industry Co.,Ltd;Amagasaki, Hyogo,; and Dr.Shiraiwa isJapanexecutive technical consultantatOsaka Titanium Co.,Ltd;Amagasaki, Hyogo,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:
Silicon Slice Fracture AnalysisByLD DyerLD Dyer1Dr. Dyer is aSr. Member of Technical Staffin the Silicon Products Dept. atTexas Instruments, P.O. Box 84,Sherman, Texas, 75090.Search for other works by this author on:
Characterization of High Growth Rate Epitaxial Silicon from a New Single Wafer ReactorByMD Robinson,MD Robinson1Dr. Robinson isManager of R&D,ASM Epitaxy,Tempe, AZ 85282and Mr. Lawrence isPresident,Lawrence Semiconductor Laboratories,San Jose, CA 95129.Search for other works by this author on:LH LawrenceLH Lawrence1Dr. Robinson isManager of R&D,ASM Epitaxy,Tempe, AZ 85282and Mr. Lawrence isPresident,Lawrence Semiconductor Laboratories,San Jose, CA 95129.Search for other works by this author on:
Softening of Si and GaAs During Thermal ProcessByH Suga,H Suga1Dr. Suga, Ichizawa and Tomizawa aremanager and submanager at material testing research lab.ofCentral Research Institute, andmanager at gallium arsenide divisionofCompound Semiconductor Center, Mitsubishi Metal Co.,1-297, Kitabukuro, Omiya,. Endo isJapan330manageratR & D center of Japan Silicon Co.314 Kanauchi, Nishisangao, Noda,.Japan278Search for other works by this author on:M Ichizawa,M Ichizawa1Dr. Suga, Ichizawa and Tomizawa aremanager and submanager at material testing research lab.ofCentral Research Institute, andmanager at gallium arsenide divisionofCompound Semiconductor Center, Mitsubishi Metal Co.,1-297, Kitabukuro, Omiya,. Endo isJapan330manageratR & D center of Japan Silicon Co.314 Kanauchi, Nishisangao, Noda,.Japan278Search for other works by this author on:K Endo,K Endo1Dr. Suga, Ichizawa and Tomizawa aremanager and submanager at material testing research lab.ofCentral Research Institute, andmanager at gallium arsenide divisionofCompound Semiconductor Center, Mitsubishi Metal Co.,1-297, Kitabukuro, Omiya,. Endo isJapan330manageratR & D center of Japan Silicon Co.314 Kanauchi, Nishisangao, Noda,.Japan278Search for other works by this author on:K TomizawaK Tomizawa1Dr. Suga, Ichizawa and Tomizawa aremanager and submanager at material testing research lab.ofCentral Research Institute, andmanager at gallium arsenide divisionofCompound Semiconductor Center, Mitsubishi Metal Co.,1-297, Kitabukuro, Omiya,. Endo isJapan330manageratR & D center of Japan Silicon Co.314 Kanauchi, Nishisangao, Noda,.Japan278Search for other works by this author on:
Nucleation and Growth Kinetics of Bulk Microdefects in Heavily Doped Epitaxial Silicon WafersByW Wijaranakula,W Wijaranakula1Dr. Wijaranakula is asenior engineer/R&D Materials Characterization, Dr. Mollenkopf is thedepartment managerand Dr. Matlock is theVice President of TechnologyatSEH America, Inc.,4111 SE 112st Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98662Search for other works by this author on:JH Matlock,JH Matlock1Dr. Wijaranakula is asenior engineer/R&D Materials Characterization, Dr. Mollenkopf is thedepartment managerand Dr. Matlock is theVice President of TechnologyatSEH America, Inc.,4111 SE 112st Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98662Search for other works by this author on:H MollenkopfH Mollenkopf1Dr. Wijaranakula is asenior engineer/R&D Materials Characterization, Dr. Mollenkopf is thedepartment managerand Dr. Matlock is theVice President of TechnologyatSEH America, Inc.,4111 SE 112st Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98662Search for other works by this author on:
On the Application of Calibration Data to Spreading Resistance AnalysisByHL BerkowitzHL Berkowitz1Dr. Berkowitz isChief ScientistatSolid State Measurements Inc.,110 Technology Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275.Search for other works by this author on:
Epitaxial Silicon Quality Improvement by Automatic Surface InspectionByDJ Ruprecht,DJ Ruprecht1David Ruprecht, Lance Hellwig, and Jon Rossi are atMonsanto Electronic Materials Company,501 Pearl Drive, Saint Peters, Missouri.Search for other works by this author on:LG Hellwig,LG Hellwig1David Ruprecht, Lance Hellwig, and Jon Rossi are atMonsanto Electronic Materials Company,501 Pearl Drive, Saint Peters, Missouri.Search for other works by this author on:JA RossiJA Rossi1David Ruprecht, Lance Hellwig, and Jon Rossi are atMonsanto Electronic Materials Company,501 Pearl Drive, Saint Peters, Missouri.Search for other works by this author on:
Spreading Resistance Profiles in Gallium ArsenideByRG Mazur,RG Mazur1R. G. Mazur isPresidentand R. J. Hillard is aSenior EngineeratSolid State Measurements Inc.,110 Technology Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275.Search for other works by this author on:RJ HillardRJ Hillard1R. G. Mazur isPresidentand R. J. Hillard is aSenior EngineeratSolid State Measurements Inc.,110 Technology Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275.Search for other works by this author on:
High Dose Arsenic Implant for Bipolar Buried LayersByCL Ygartua,CL Ygartua1Mr. Ygartua is aSenior EngineeratNational Semiconductor545 Whisman Rd., (M/S 2-200),Mountain View, California 94039. Dr. Swaroop isDirectorofTechnology at ASYST Technologies Inc.,1745 McCandless Dr., Milpitas, CA 95035.Search for other works by this author on:R SwaroopR Swaroop1Mr. Ygartua is aSenior EngineeratNational Semiconductor545 Whisman Rd., (M/S 2-200),Mountain View, California 94039. Dr. Swaroop isDirectorofTechnology at ASYST Technologies Inc.,1745 McCandless Dr., Milpitas, CA 95035.Search for other works by this author on:
Accurate Junction-Depth Measurements Using Chemical StainingByR Subrahmanyan,R Subrahmanyan1Ravi Subrahmanyan, Hisham Z. Massoud, and Richard B. Fair are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,Duke University,Durham, North Carolina, 27706.Search for other works by this author on:HZ Massoud,HZ Massoud1Ravi Subrahmanyan, Hisham Z. Massoud, and Richard B. Fair are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,Duke University,Durham, North Carolina, 27706.Search for other works by this author on:RB FairRB Fair1Ravi Subrahmanyan, Hisham Z. Massoud, and Richard B. Fair are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,Duke University,Durham, North Carolina, 27706.Search for other works by this author on:
Use of Polysilicon Deposition in a Cold-Wall LPCVD Reactor to Determine Wafer Temperature UniformityByV Starov,V Starov1Dr. Starov isPresidentofApplied Photonics Research Inc.,421 Grand Street, Redwood City, CA 94062; Mr. Lane isSenior Process TechnicianatVarian Associates Inc.,48664 Milmont Drive, Fremont, CA 94538.Search for other works by this author on:L LaneL Lane1Dr. Starov isPresidentofApplied Photonics Research Inc.,421 Grand Street, Redwood City, CA 94062; Mr. Lane isSenior Process TechnicianatVarian Associates Inc.,48664 Milmont Drive, Fremont, CA 94538.Search for other works by this author on:
Dry Etching Techniques for MMIC Fabrication on GaAsByJK Bhardwaj,JK Bhardwaj1Dr Bhardwaj, Mr Stephens, Mr McQuarrie and Miss Harrington areprocess and application engineersatElectrotech Special Research Systems Ltd., Thornbury Laboratories,Littleton-upon-Severn, Bristol BS12 1NP; Dr Kiermasz isU.K.process manageratE.T. Plasma Developments Ltd., Unit la Oldmixon Cresent, Oldmixon Trading Estate,Weston-super-Mare, Avon. BS24 9AX.Search for other works by this author on:A Kiermasz,A Kiermasz1Dr Bhardwaj, Mr Stephens, Mr McQuarrie and Miss Harrington areprocess and application engineersatElectrotech Special Research Systems Ltd., Thornbury Laboratories,Littleton-upon-Severn, Bristol BS12 1NP; Dr Kiermasz isU.K.process manageratE.T. Plasma Developments Ltd., Unit la Oldmixon Cresent, Oldmixon Trading Estate,Weston-super-Mare, Avon. BS24 9AX.Search for other works by this author on:MA Stephens,MA Stephens1Dr Bhardwaj, Mr Stephens, Mr McQuarrie and Miss Harrington areprocess and application engineersatElectrotech Special Research Systems Ltd., Thornbury Laboratories,Littleton-upon-Severn, Bristol BS12 1NP; Dr Kiermasz isU.K.process manageratE.T. Plasma Developments Ltd., Unit la Oldmixon Cresent, Oldmixon Trading Estate,Weston-super-Mare, Avon. BS24 9AX.Search for other works by this author on:SJ Harrington,SJ Harrington1Dr Bhardwaj, Mr Stephens, Mr McQuarrie and Miss Harrington areprocess and application engineersatElectrotech Special Research Systems Ltd., Thornbury Laboratories,Littleton-upon-Severn, Bristol BS12 1NP; Dr Kiermasz isU.K.process manageratE.T. Plasma Developments Ltd., Unit la Oldmixon Cresent, Oldmixon Trading Estate,Weston-super-Mare, Avon. BS24 9AX.Search for other works by this author on:AD McQuarrieAD McQuarrie1Dr Bhardwaj, Mr Stephens, Mr McQuarrie and Miss Harrington areprocess and application engineersatElectrotech Special Research Systems Ltd., Thornbury Laboratories,Littleton-upon-Severn, Bristol BS12 1NP; Dr Kiermasz isU.K.process manageratE.T. Plasma Developments Ltd., Unit la Oldmixon Cresent, Oldmixon Trading Estate,Weston-super-Mare, Avon. BS24 9AX.Search for other works by this author on:
Dry Etching of Ion Implanted Silicon: Electrical EffectsByJM Heddleson,JM Heddleson1Mr. Heddleson and Mr. Horn aregraduate studentsand Dr. S. J. Fonash is anAlumni Professorin theEngineering Science Program and the Center for Electronic Materials and Devices at The Pennsylvania State University,132 Hammond Bldg., University Park, PA 16802.Search for other works by this author on:MW Horn,MW Horn1Mr. Heddleson and Mr. Horn aregraduate studentsand Dr. S. J. Fonash is anAlumni Professorin theEngineering Science Program and the Center for Electronic Materials and Devices at The Pennsylvania State University,132 Hammond Bldg., University Park, PA 16802.Search for other works by this author on:SJ FonashSJ Fonash1Mr. Heddleson and Mr. Horn aregraduate studentsand Dr. S. J. Fonash is anAlumni Professorin theEngineering Science Program and the Center for Electronic Materials and Devices at The Pennsylvania State University,132 Hammond Bldg., University Park, PA 16802.Search for other works by this author on:
Reaction Mechanisms and Rate Limitations in Dry Etching of Silicon Dioxide with Anhydrous Hydrogen FluorideByLD Clements,LD Clements1Dr. Clements isProfessor and Chairand Mr. Busse is aGraduate Research Assistantat the Department of Chemical Engineering,University of Nebraska - Lincoln,Lincoln, NE 68588-0126. Mr Mehta is theJapan Process Engineering Manager,FSI International,322 Lake Hazeltine Drive, Chaska, MN 55318-1096.Search for other works by this author on:JE Busse,JE Busse1Dr. Clements isProfessor and Chairand Mr. Busse is aGraduate Research Assistantat the Department of Chemical Engineering,University of Nebraska - Lincoln,Lincoln, NE 68588-0126. Mr Mehta is theJapan Process Engineering Manager,FSI International,322 Lake Hazeltine Drive, Chaska, MN 55318-1096.Search for other works by this author on:J MehtaJ Mehta1Dr. Clements isProfessor and Chairand Mr. Busse is aGraduate Research Assistantat the Department of Chemical Engineering,University of Nebraska - Lincoln,Lincoln, NE 68588-0126. Mr Mehta is theJapan Process Engineering Manager,FSI International,322 Lake Hazeltine Drive, Chaska, MN 55318-1096.Search for other works by this author on:
Plasma Etching of Aluminum Alloys in BCL3/CL2 PlasmasByC-H Chen,C-H Chen1Mr. Chen is amanagerand Mr. Burke aprocess engineerin the R&D department atLam Research Corp.,4650 Cushing Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538; Mr. DeOrnellas isVice PresidentofMarketing at Lam Research Corp.Search for other works by this author on:S DeOrnellas,S DeOrnellas1Mr. Chen is amanagerand Mr. Burke aprocess engineerin the R&D department atLam Research Corp.,4650 Cushing Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538; Mr. DeOrnellas isVice PresidentofMarketing at Lam Research Corp.Search for other works by this author on:B BurkeB Burke1Mr. Chen is amanagerand Mr. Burke aprocess engineerin the R&D department atLam Research Corp.,4650 Cushing Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538; Mr. DeOrnellas isVice PresidentofMarketing at Lam Research Corp.Search for other works by this author on:
NBS Submicron Particle Standards for Microcontamination MeasurementByTR LettieriTR Lettieri1Dr. Lettieri is aphysicistatNational Bureau of Standards, Met-A117,Gaithersburg, MD 20899.Search for other works by this author on:
Particulate Cleanliness Testing of Filters and Equipment in Process FluidsBySH Goldsmith,SH Goldsmith1Susan H. Goldsmith isDirector of Engineering, and George P. Grundelman isPresidentofInter Basic Resources, Inc.727 W. Ellsworth Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48108.Search for other works by this author on:GP GrundelmanGP Grundelman1Susan H. Goldsmith isDirector of Engineering, and George P. Grundelman isPresidentofInter Basic Resources, Inc.727 W. Ellsworth Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48108.Search for other works by this author on:
Parameters Controlling Counting Efficiency for Optical Liquid-Borne Particle CountersByA LiebermanA Lieberman1Mr. Lieberman isTechnical SpecialistatParticle Measuring Systems, Inc.,46729 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538Search for other works by this author on:
A Correlation Study of Aluminum Film Wet Etch Uniformity with the Sputter Etch of Oxide FilmsByFM Dumesnil,FM Dumesnil1F. M. Dumesnill is aProject EngineeratTherma-Wave Inc.,47320 Mission Falls Court, Fremont, CA 94539; M. Bruner and M. Berman areProcess Engineering SupervisorsatAmerican Micro Devices,2175 Mission College Boulevard, Santa Clara, CA 95051Search for other works by this author on:M Bruner,M Bruner1F. M. Dumesnill is aProject EngineeratTherma-Wave Inc.,47320 Mission Falls Court, Fremont, CA 94539; M. Bruner and M. Berman areProcess Engineering SupervisorsatAmerican Micro Devices,2175 Mission College Boulevard, Santa Clara, CA 95051Search for other works by this author on:M BermanM Berman1F. M. Dumesnill is aProject EngineeratTherma-Wave Inc.,47320 Mission Falls Court, Fremont, CA 94539; M. Bruner and M. Berman areProcess Engineering SupervisorsatAmerican Micro Devices,2175 Mission College Boulevard, Santa Clara, CA 95051Search for other works by this author on:
Crack Free and Highly Reliable Double Level Metallization Process Using Plasma Oxide and Silanol-Type Sog LayersByT Iwamori,T Iwamori1T. Iwamori, Y. Sakata, H. Kojima, and Y. Yatsuda areengineersat theElectronic Imaging & Devices Research Lab. in Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.,2274 Hongoh, Ebina 243-04,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:Y Sakata,Y Sakata1T. Iwamori, Y. Sakata, H. Kojima, and Y. Yatsuda areengineersat theElectronic Imaging & Devices Research Lab. in Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.,2274 Hongoh, Ebina 243-04,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:H Kojima,H Kojima1T. Iwamori, Y. Sakata, H. Kojima, and Y. Yatsuda areengineersat theElectronic Imaging & Devices Research Lab. in Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.,2274 Hongoh, Ebina 243-04,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:Y YatsudaY Yatsuda1T. Iwamori, Y. Sakata, H. Kojima, and Y. Yatsuda areengineersat theElectronic Imaging & Devices Research Lab. in Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.,2274 Hongoh, Ebina 243-04,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:
VLSI Defect Detection, Classification, and Reduction from In-Process and Post-Process Sram InspectionsByHG Parks,HG Parks1Dr. Parks is anelectronics engineer, Mr. Logan achemical engineerand Mrs. Fahrenz atest technician. They are allmembers of IC Process Engineering Branchof theVLSI Technology Laboratory at the General Electric Company Corporate Research and Development Center, P.O. Box 8,Schenectady, NY 12301.Search for other works by this author on:CE Logan,CE Logan1Dr. Parks is anelectronics engineer, Mr. Logan achemical engineerand Mrs. Fahrenz atest technician. They are allmembers of IC Process Engineering Branchof theVLSI Technology Laboratory at the General Electric Company Corporate Research and Development Center, P.O. Box 8,Schenectady, NY 12301.Search for other works by this author on:CA FahrenzCA Fahrenz1Dr. Parks is anelectronics engineer, Mr. Logan achemical engineerand Mrs. Fahrenz atest technician. They are allmembers of IC Process Engineering Branchof theVLSI Technology Laboratory at the General Electric Company Corporate Research and Development Center, P.O. Box 8,Schenectady, NY 12301.Search for other works by this author on:
Advanced VLSI Isolation TechnologiesByY KuoY Kuo1Dr. Yue Kuo is withIBM T.J. Watson Research Center, P.O. Box 218Yorktown Heights, N.Y. 10598Search for other works by this author on:
Application of Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis for Metallic Trace Impurities on Silicon Wafer SurfacesByP Eichinger,P Eichinger1Dr. P. Eichinger isheadGeMeTec Gesellschaft für Meßtechnik und Technologie mbH,Paul-Gerhardt-Allee 50, D-8000 München 60,; Dr. H.J. Rath isFRGsenior scientistatWacker-Chemitronic GmbH,Postfach 1140, D-8263, Burghausen,; H. Schwenke isFRGresearch scientistatGKSS Forschungszentrum, Institut für Physik,D-2054, Geesthacht,.FRGSearch for other works by this author on:HJ Rath,HJ Rath1Dr. P. Eichinger isheadGeMeTec Gesellschaft für Meßtechnik und Technologie mbH,Paul-Gerhardt-Allee 50, D-8000 München 60,; Dr. H.J. Rath isFRGsenior scientistatWacker-Chemitronic GmbH,Postfach 1140, D-8263, Burghausen,; H. Schwenke isFRGresearch scientistatGKSS Forschungszentrum, Institut für Physik,D-2054, Geesthacht,.FRGSearch for other works by this author on:H SchwenkeH Schwenke1Dr. P. Eichinger isheadGeMeTec Gesellschaft für Meßtechnik und Technologie mbH,Paul-Gerhardt-Allee 50, D-8000 München 60,; Dr. H.J. Rath isFRGsenior scientistatWacker-Chemitronic GmbH,Postfach 1140, D-8263, Burghausen,; H. Schwenke isFRGresearch scientistatGKSS Forschungszentrum, Institut für Physik,D-2054, Geesthacht,.FRGSearch for other works by this author on:
Chemical Analysis of Metallic Impurity on the Surface of Silicon WafersByT Shiraiwa,T Shiraiwa1Dr.Shiraiwa isexecutive technical consultantatOsaka Titanium Co., Ltd;Amagasaki Hyogo,; Dr.Fujino isJapandeputy directorofSemiconductor Res. Lab.,Dr.Sumita ismanager of material evaluation section, and Ms. Tanizoe isresearch chemistofSemiconductor Res. Lab. at Kyushu Electronic Metal Co., Ltd;Kohokucho, Saga,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:N Fujino,N Fujino1Dr.Shiraiwa isexecutive technical consultantatOsaka Titanium Co., Ltd;Amagasaki Hyogo,; Dr.Fujino isJapandeputy directorofSemiconductor Res. Lab.,Dr.Sumita ismanager of material evaluation section, and Ms. Tanizoe isresearch chemistofSemiconductor Res. Lab. at Kyushu Electronic Metal Co., Ltd;Kohokucho, Saga,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:S Sumita,S Sumita1Dr.Shiraiwa isexecutive technical consultantatOsaka Titanium Co., Ltd;Amagasaki Hyogo,; Dr.Fujino isJapandeputy directorofSemiconductor Res. Lab.,Dr.Sumita ismanager of material evaluation section, and Ms. Tanizoe isresearch chemistofSemiconductor Res. Lab. at Kyushu Electronic Metal Co., Ltd;Kohokucho, Saga,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:Y TanizoeY Tanizoe1Dr.Shiraiwa isexecutive technical consultantatOsaka Titanium Co., Ltd;Amagasaki Hyogo,; Dr.Fujino isJapandeputy directorofSemiconductor Res. Lab.,Dr.Sumita ismanager of material evaluation section, and Ms. Tanizoe isresearch chemistofSemiconductor Res. Lab. at Kyushu Electronic Metal Co., Ltd;Kohokucho, Saga,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:
Process - Induced Influence on the Minority — Carrier Lifetime in Power DevicesByVK Khanna,VK Khanna1The authors areresearch scientistsin theSemiconductor Devices Area, Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute,Pilani-333031(Rajasthan),.IndiaSearch for other works by this author on:DK Thakur,DK Thakur1The authors areresearch scientistsin theSemiconductor Devices Area, Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute,Pilani-333031(Rajasthan),.IndiaSearch for other works by this author on:KL Jasuja,KL Jasuja1The authors areresearch scientistsin theSemiconductor Devices Area, Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute,Pilani-333031(Rajasthan),.IndiaSearch for other works by this author on:WS KhokleWS Khokle1The authors areresearch scientistsin theSemiconductor Devices Area, Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute,Pilani-333031(Rajasthan),.IndiaSearch for other works by this author on:
The Role of Oxygen Precipitates in the Gettering of Iron in SiliconByPK Sinha,PK Sinha1Dr. Sinha is apostdoctoral research associatein the Department of Chemical,Bio and Materials Engineering; Dr. Glaunsinger isChairmanof the Department of Chemistry,Arizona State University,Tempe, AZ 85287-1604.Search for other works by this author on:WS GlaunsingerWS Glaunsinger1Dr. Sinha is apostdoctoral research associatein the Department of Chemical,Bio and Materials Engineering; Dr. Glaunsinger isChairmanof the Department of Chemistry,Arizona State University,Tempe, AZ 85287-1604.Search for other works by this author on:
The Calibration and Reproducibility of Oxygen Concentration in Silicon Measurements using Sims Characterization TechniqueByM Goldstein,M Goldstein1Dr. Joseph Makovsky is asenior scientist, managerof theSilicon Material Technology (SMT)and Dr. Michael Goldstein is aSMT staff scientistatIntel Corp.,2250 Mission College Blvd., P.O. Box 58125, M/S SC9-05,Santa Clara, CA. 95052-8125.Search for other works by this author on:J MakovskyJ Makovsky1Dr. Joseph Makovsky is asenior scientist, managerof theSilicon Material Technology (SMT)and Dr. Michael Goldstein is aSMT staff scientistatIntel Corp.,2250 Mission College Blvd., P.O. Box 58125, M/S SC9-05,Santa Clara, CA. 95052-8125.Search for other works by this author on:
Defect, Dopant, and Device Modification using Si(Ge,B) EpitaxyByGA Rozgonyi,GA Rozgonyi1George Rozgonyi and Ratnaji Kola areProfessor and graduate studentrespectively, in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering atNorth Carolina State University,Raleigh, NC 27695; Ken Bean is with theCentral Research Labs., Texas Instruments Inc.,Dallas, TX 75265; Keith Lindberg is with theAdvanced Products Group, Texas Instruments Inc.,Sherman, TX 75090.Search for other works by this author on:RR Kola,RR Kola1George Rozgonyi and Ratnaji Kola areProfessor and graduate studentrespectively, in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering atNorth Carolina State University,Raleigh, NC 27695; Ken Bean is with theCentral Research Labs., Texas Instruments Inc.,Dallas, TX 75265; Keith Lindberg is with theAdvanced Products Group, Texas Instruments Inc.,Sherman, TX 75090.Search for other works by this author on:KE Bean,KE Bean1George Rozgonyi and Ratnaji Kola areProfessor and graduate studentrespectively, in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering atNorth Carolina State University,Raleigh, NC 27695; Ken Bean is with theCentral Research Labs., Texas Instruments Inc.,Dallas, TX 75265; Keith Lindberg is with theAdvanced Products Group, Texas Instruments Inc.,Sherman, TX 75090.Search for other works by this author on:K LindbergK Lindberg1George Rozgonyi and Ratnaji Kola areProfessor and graduate studentrespectively, in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering atNorth Carolina State University,Raleigh, NC 27695; Ken Bean is with theCentral Research Labs., Texas Instruments Inc.,Dallas, TX 75265; Keith Lindberg is with theAdvanced Products Group, Texas Instruments Inc.,Sherman, TX 75090.Search for other works by this author on:
Effect of Pre- and Post-Epitaxial Annealing on Oxygen Precipitation and Internal Gettering in N/N+(100) Epitaxial WafersByW Wijaranakula,W Wijaranakula1Dr. Wijaranakula is asenior engineer/R&D Materials Characterization, Mr. Shimada is anapplication engineer, Dr. Mollenkopf is thedepartment manager, Dr. Matlock is theVice President of TechnologyatSEH America, Inc.,4111 NE 112st Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98662; Mr. Stuber is aprocess engineeratUNISYS, Corp.,10850 Via Frontera, San Diego, CA 92127Search for other works by this author on:S Shimada,S Shimada1Dr. Wijaranakula is asenior engineer/R&D Materials Characterization, Mr. Shimada is anapplication engineer, Dr. Mollenkopf is thedepartment manager, Dr. Matlock is theVice President of TechnologyatSEH America, Inc.,4111 NE 112st Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98662; Mr. Stuber is aprocess engineeratUNISYS, Corp.,10850 Via Frontera, San Diego, CA 92127Search for other works by this author on:H Mollenkopf,H Mollenkopf1Dr. Wijaranakula is asenior engineer/R&D Materials Characterization, Mr. Shimada is anapplication engineer, Dr. Mollenkopf is thedepartment manager, Dr. Matlock is theVice President of TechnologyatSEH America, Inc.,4111 NE 112st Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98662; Mr. Stuber is aprocess engineeratUNISYS, Corp.,10850 Via Frontera, San Diego, CA 92127Search for other works by this author on:JH Matlock,JH Matlock1Dr. Wijaranakula is asenior engineer/R&D Materials Characterization, Mr. Shimada is anapplication engineer, Dr. Mollenkopf is thedepartment manager, Dr. Matlock is theVice President of TechnologyatSEH America, Inc.,4111 NE 112st Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98662; Mr. Stuber is aprocess engineeratUNISYS, Corp.,10850 Via Frontera, San Diego, CA 92127Search for other works by this author on:M StuberM Stuber1Dr. Wijaranakula is asenior engineer/R&D Materials Characterization, Mr. Shimada is anapplication engineer, Dr. Mollenkopf is thedepartment manager, Dr. Matlock is theVice President of TechnologyatSEH America, Inc.,4111 NE 112st Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98662; Mr. Stuber is aprocess engineeratUNISYS, Corp.,10850 Via Frontera, San Diego, CA 92127Search for other works by this author on:
Electrical Characterization of Electrically Active Surface Contaminants by Epitaxial EncapsulationByA Derheimer,A Derheimer1Mr. Derheimer is theElectrical Characterization R and D Engineer, Dr. Mollenkopf is themanager of Materials Characterization R and D, and Dr. Matlock is theVice-President of TechnologyatSEH America,4111 NE 112th Ave., Vancouver Wash. 98682-6776. Mr. Takamizawa isTechnical Service ManageratShin Etsu Handotai Company, LDT,Isobe, Annaka, Gunma 379-01,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:S Takamizawa,S Takamizawa1Mr. Derheimer is theElectrical Characterization R and D Engineer, Dr. Mollenkopf is themanager of Materials Characterization R and D, and Dr. Matlock is theVice-President of TechnologyatSEH America,4111 NE 112th Ave., Vancouver Wash. 98682-6776. Mr. Takamizawa isTechnical Service ManageratShin Etsu Handotai Company, LDT,Isobe, Annaka, Gunma 379-01,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:JH Matlock,JH Matlock1Mr. Derheimer is theElectrical Characterization R and D Engineer, Dr. Mollenkopf is themanager of Materials Characterization R and D, and Dr. Matlock is theVice-President of TechnologyatSEH America,4111 NE 112th Ave., Vancouver Wash. 98682-6776. Mr. Takamizawa isTechnical Service ManageratShin Etsu Handotai Company, LDT,Isobe, Annaka, Gunma 379-01,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:H MollenkopfH Mollenkopf1Mr. Derheimer is theElectrical Characterization R and D Engineer, Dr. Mollenkopf is themanager of Materials Characterization R and D, and Dr. Matlock is theVice-President of TechnologyatSEH America,4111 NE 112th Ave., Vancouver Wash. 98682-6776. Mr. Takamizawa isTechnical Service ManageratShin Etsu Handotai Company, LDT,Isobe, Annaka, Gunma 379-01,.JapanSearch for other works by this author on:
Optimum Polysilicon Deposition on Wafer Backs for Gettering PurposesByG Borionetti,G Borionetti1The authors work inResearch and Development Department of DNS Electronic Materials,Viale Gherzi 31, 28100 Novara().ITALYSearch for other works by this author on:M Domenici,M Domenici1The authors work inResearch and Development Department of DNS Electronic Materials,Viale Gherzi 31, 28100 Novara().ITALYSearch for other works by this author on:G FerreroG Ferrero1The authors work inResearch and Development Department of DNS Electronic Materials,Viale Gherzi 31, 28100 Novara().ITALYSearch for other works by this author on:
Modification of Control Charts for Use in an Integrated Circuit Fabrication EnvironmentByDJ FriedmanDJ Friedman1David J. Friedman is aMember of Technical StaffatAT&T Bell Labs,600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07974Search for other works by this author on:
Perkin-Elmer 544 Overlay Evaluation Using Statistical TechniquesByGA Keller,GA Keller1Gerald A. Keller is aprocess development engineer specializing in optical photolithographyforMotorola's Bipolar Technology Center. Whitson G. Waldo is astepper process development engineer for 0.5 micron optical lithographyforMotorola's Bipolar Technology Center. Richard F. Babasick is anapplications engineerforPerkin-Elmer's Semiconductor Equipment Division.Search for other works by this author on:WG Waldo,WG Waldo1Gerald A. Keller is aprocess development engineer specializing in optical photolithographyforMotorola's Bipolar Technology Center. Whitson G. Waldo is astepper process development engineer for 0.5 micron optical lithographyforMotorola's Bipolar Technology Center. Richard F. Babasick is anapplications engineerforPerkin-Elmer's Semiconductor Equipment Division.Search for other works by this author on:RF BabasickRF Babasick1Gerald A. Keller is aprocess development engineer specializing in optical photolithographyforMotorola's Bipolar Technology Center. Whitson G. Waldo is astepper process development engineer for 0.5 micron optical lithographyforMotorola's Bipolar Technology Center. Richard F. Babasick is anapplications engineerforPerkin-Elmer's Semiconductor Equipment Division.Search for other works by this author on:
Revolutionizing Semiconductor Material SpecificationsByRK LowryRK Lowry1Mr. Lowry isManagerof theAnalytical Service Laboratories, Harris Semiconductor, P. O. Box 883, M.S. 62-07,Melbourne, FL 32901.Search for other works by this author on:
Economic Impact of Standards on Productivity in the Semiconductor IndustryByGC Tassey,GC Tassey1J.C. French and R.I. Scace areDirector and Deputy Director, respectively, of theCenter for Electronics and Electrical Engineering, and G.C. Tassey isSenior Economist in the Program Office, at theNational Bureau of Standards,Gaithersburg, MD 20899.Search for other works by this author on:RI Scace,RI Scace1J.C. French and R.I. Scace areDirector and Deputy Director, respectively, of theCenter for Electronics and Electrical Engineering, and G.C. Tassey isSenior Economist in the Program Office, at theNational Bureau of Standards,Gaithersburg, MD 20899.Search for other works by this author on:JC FrenchJC French1J.C. French and R.I. Scace areDirector and Deputy Director, respectively, of theCenter for Electronics and Electrical Engineering, and G.C. Tassey isSenior Economist in the Program Office, at theNational Bureau of Standards,Gaithersburg, MD 20899.Search for other works by this author on:
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