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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Emerging Semiconductor Technology
DC Gupta
DC Gupta
Symposium Chairman and Co-Editor
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ASTM International
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eBook Chapter
Quality Control and Optimization During Plasma Deposition of a-Si:H
M Kunst
M Kunst
1Drs. Kunst, Werner, Beck, Kuppers, and Lilie are
research scientists, Professor
Tributsch is member of the chairmen board of the Bereich Strahlenchemie
, Hahn-Meitner-Institut fur Kernforschung Berlin
, 1000 Berlin 39,
.Federal Republic of Germany
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A Werner
A Werner
1Drs. Kunst, Werner, Beck, Kuppers, and Lilie are
research scientists, Professor
Tributsch is member of the chairmen board of the Bereich Strahlenchemie
, Hahn-Meitner-Institut fur Kernforschung Berlin
, 1000 Berlin 39,
.Federal Republic of Germany
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G Beck
G Beck
1Drs. Kunst, Werner, Beck, Kuppers, and Lilie are
research scientists, Professor
Tributsch is member of the chairmen board of the Bereich Strahlenchemie
, Hahn-Meitner-Institut fur Kernforschung Berlin
, 1000 Berlin 39,
.Federal Republic of Germany
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U Kuppers
U Kuppers
1Drs. Kunst, Werner, Beck, Kuppers, and Lilie are
research scientists, Professor
Tributsch is member of the chairmen board of the Bereich Strahlenchemie
, Hahn-Meitner-Institut fur Kernforschung Berlin
, 1000 Berlin 39,
.Federal Republic of Germany
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H Tributsch
H Tributsch
1Drs. Kunst, Werner, Beck, Kuppers, and Lilie are
research scientists, Professor
Tributsch is member of the chairmen board of the Bereich Strahlenchemie
, Hahn-Meitner-Institut fur Kernforschung Berlin
, 1000 Berlin 39,
.Federal Republic of Germany
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Page Count:
Kunst, M, Werner, A, Beck, G, Kuppers, U, & Tributsch, H. "Quality Control and Optimization During Plasma Deposition of a-Si:H." Emerging Semiconductor Technology. Ed. Gupta, D. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 : ASTM International, 1987.
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It is shown that contactless time-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC) measurements permit an in-process quality control during the plasma deposition of amorphous hydrogenated silicon (a-Si:H) films. The relation between the transient photoconductivity of the amorphous semiconductor and its quality is discussed. The influence of various parameters, such as the substrate temperature and chemical composition on the shape of the signals is explained in terms of charge carrier kinetics. An automated production process to yield quality films is presented to demonstrate the use of these measurements.
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, Semiconductors and Semimetals
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, Academic Press
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, Solid State Commun.
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, accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics
Publication in preparation.
, H.
, Beck
, G.
, Kunst
, M.
, Kuppers
, U.
, Lewerenz
, H. J.
, Lilie
, J.
, and Werner
, A.
, U.S. Patent Application, Ser. no. 694932, 1985
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