Effect of Various Metallurgical Microstructures on the Response of the Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium BH 70 Steel to Neutron Irradiation at 285°C
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Radiation hardening and embrittlement of the BH 70 steel heat treated to different microstructures (tempered martensite, tempered bainite, and tempered mixed ferrite-perlite, bainite, and martensite after neutron irradiation about 7 × 1023 n/m2 > 1 MeV at 285°C) were compared with commercial heat treatment conditions. Only moderate radiation hardening, with small differences for individual conditions, was measured in all four heat treatment conditions (by 29 to 48%). Roughly the same radiation embrittlement ΔTT4IJ = 137 to 148°C) was found in all heat treatment conditions used. The initial (unirradiated) and resultant (irradiated) Charpy-V 41-J transition temperature of the BH 70 steel, however, can be altered appreciably through heat treatment practices, resulting in different microstructure. Initial transition temperatures (TT4IJ) of individual heat treatments were found in the range from −73 to −143°C.