Relating Undrained Triaxial and Pressuremeter Stress-Strain Characteristics by Using Multi-Yield Surface Model Parameters
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Multi-yield surface model parameters, which define the stiffness (Hi), size (k(i)), and location (α1(i)) of a nest of yield surfaces were fitted to triaxial compression and extension data for nine fine grained soils [1,2]. Each set of model parameters were used in a computer program to calculate the total stresses (σrr,σzz,σϑϑ) and strains (εϑϑ, εrr) for an idealized load/unload pressuremeter stress path. The pressuremeter stress and strain data for all nine soils were utilized as the bassis for developing an empirical procedure which could be used to extract multi-yield surface model parameters from shear stress-strain data, (σrr − σϑϑ) versus εγγ. The empirical procedure was used to extract values of Hi, k(i), and αi(i) for each soil from the corresponding pressuremeter stress-strain data. The nine sets of model parameters fitted to (σrr − σϑϑ) versus εrr data where specified as input for a computer program which were then used to calculate the corresponding load/unload triaxial compression and extension stress-strain data, (σyy-σxx) versus εyy.