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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Computer Automation of Materials Testing
BC Wonsiewicz
BC Wonsiewicz
Bell Laboratories
Holmdel, N. J. 07733
symposium chairman and editor
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ASTM International
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Over the past five years, at least a half-dozen data acquisition systems have been installed in the author's working area. The hardware ranged from a maxicomputer to minicomputers to a calculator; the software ranged through BASIC, FORTRAN, and special languages; in environments ranging from no operating system to OS-8 and UNIX (UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories). The degree of our involvement ranged from none (an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) turnkey system) to building the complete system from drivers on up.

This paper compares some of the systems and offers general remarks intended to assist the first-time user in selection of an automated data system.

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